Falcon 4.0 Kurile Theater

Background of Kurile.PMC Tactical
Kurile theater was used in Falcon 3.0 back in the good old days, so we decided to develop same theater for Falcon 4 also.

Size and Coordinates
These are the technical details of Kurile theater. Its an 64 segment theater which is the same size as original Microprose Korean theater. Here are the specifications...

Size (L2 segments): 64 x 64
Size (L2 tiles): 1024 x 1024
Size (Nautical Miles): 552.377 x 552.377
Resolution: 0.134858 Nautical Miles
Centered on: Lat 47 Long 144
NW: Lat 51.6031 Long 136.589
NE: Lat 51.6031 Long 151.411
SW: Lat 42.3969 Long 137.767
SE: Lat 42.3969 Long 150.233
Highest point: 6874ft
Lowest point: 0ft

Currently textures (tiles) are the default Korean as we don't have texture artists to make new tiles for this theater. We have tried to create the terrain not to have same patterns as Korea but yes it still looks much like Korea because the textures are identical. If anyone is willing to contribute by doing textures, just let us know.

Campaigns include russian ground invasion to Kurile terrain. Limited ground campaign because the nature of the islands. Three campaigns with easy, moderate and hard difficulty levels regarding equipment you and enemy has etc.

Version and Download
Latest version can be found from Falcon 4.0 PMC Theaters page.