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Description: This mod gives you control over player movement settings, such as speed and jump height. All available settings are configurable using the mod settings file.
- Settings file located in FarmingSimulator2025\modSettings\PlayerMovement.xml
- Reload changed settings from in game using the 'playerMovementLoadSettings' console command
- Walking Speed
- Running Speed
- Falling Speed
- Swimming Speed
- Swimming Sprint Speed
- Crouching Speed
- Gravity
- Jump Force
- Acceleration
- Deceleration
Snake Man: Loki_79: what are these values, like kilometers per hour or relative to default speed, like 4 is four times default speed?
<walkingSpeed value="4.000000"/>
[9:20 AM] Loki_79: Those are metres per second. There will be a menu when I work out how
[9:21 AM] Loki_79: All of the values are pretty much defaults, or at least my tweaked defaults. If you delete the file it will reset.
[9:22 AM] Snake Man: ok thanks. hey acceleration and deceleration, what would be the old school FS19/FS22 alike instant movement values? I tried 0 which is no movement at all, and 50+ seemed not to work either.
[9:24 AM] Loki_79: The acceleration and deceleration have to be close but different. I have no idea how they implemented it, but the higher values make it feel less like sliding on ice
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