Was editing a terrain, came across GIMP XCF image editing issue with fields cultivator_density terrain edges gap, how to automatically create empty area at terrain edges so fields are not drawn all the way up to "the oblivion".
Had to dig up my old notes how I did it before and was going to write it down to easier find page in my local notes when I realized... why bury this stuff to my local notes when I got an forum here for everyone to read
Below is a quote from Dev Diary PMC Cereal Region 32km page.
Then needed to create terrain edge hmm what should I call it, its not exactly field divider, more like a eraser, because in E and S edges fields are drawn right up to the edge so that makes them incredibly bad to field work in-game.
In GIMP created new empty layer, used rectangle selection tool, moved the selection rectangle with the mouse to position: 15, 15 and size: 16354, 16354. Once that was in place, hit CTRL-I invert the selection and foreground filled with RGB 0,0,0 black. This is now our S and E field edge eraser so to speak.
2023-01-04T04:13:00Z Did a test with road + "edge field limiter" layers selected, grow 30, shrink 15, invert and foreground will with red, fields appear just great. Very happy with these results, except that layer name
The numbers used 16354 is from original size 16384, so 30 pixels less. This number is half of your terrain size, in the quoted example size is 32768 so half of that is 16384 and 30 pixels off from that comes to 16354. On smaller terrains maybe less than 30 pixels is better, dunno, you have to experiment and see for yourself which works good.
Hmm now I'm wondering if there was even more automated way to do it through GraphicsMagick command line, hmm hmm
edit few minutes later: for 20.4km x 20.4km terrain which design doc is 10240 x 10240 pixel resolution I used rectangle selection position: 10, 10 and size: 10220, 10220.
Its good to scale that rectangle selection according to image / terrain size, see what size fits best, how large or narrow edge you want to have there. Technically to most slimmest edge should be more than your largest implement, imagine cultivating or harvesting that field and your vehicle colliding with terrain edge geometry getting stuck there, that would not be nice, so leave plenty of room to breathe.
tags: farming simulator, fs19, fs22, editing, tutorial, guide, giants editor, modding, mapping (haha), what else hmm.
Fields cultivator_density Terrain Edges Gap
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Fields cultivator_density Terrain Edges Gap
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