Splitting the 50m jungle blocks

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Snake Man
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Joined: 2000-07-31 22:01:01
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Location: PMC

Splitting the 50m jungle blocks

Post by Snake Man »

Splitting the 50m jungle blocks

As anyone played VTE ArmA knows there is big issue on the floating objects on the terrains, these are 50m x 50m jungle/grass object blocks which are not aligned to ground properly in ArmA engine as they were in OFP engine. To fix this, we must split up the big blocks into individual objects and place these objects to the 50m x 50m area where the original block was placed. We can do the placement automatically with Roller tool.

This is a list of original vte_objects which are 50m blocks that require splitting it to individual models.

^ P3D ^ # Objects ^ Complexity ^ Description ^
| vte_bush03.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 bush small clutter |
| vte_canopy1.p3d | 5 | Simple | 5 tall leaf trees |
| vte_canopy2.p3d | 7 | Complex | 7 (or more) bushes, tree trunks, trees (its crazy) |
| vte_canopy3.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 low grass, large area |
| vte_canopy4.p3d | 1 | Simple | 5 big pine trees |
| vte_grass.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 low grass, thick large area |
| vte_grasspatch.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 low grass, very small area, not worth splitting? |
| vte_grasspatch2.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 low grass, deep/wide area |
| vte_igrassfield.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 elephant grass |
| vte_igrassfield2.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 rice bush, large thick area |
| vte_igrassfield3.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 rice bush, corner |
| vte_igrassfield4.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 rice bush, corner |
| vte_igrassfield5.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 rice bush, corner |
| vte_igrasspatch.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 rice bush, small clutter, not worth splitting? |
| vte_iles_su_ctver_pruhozi.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 very tall leaf tree |
| vte_imangrove.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 tall palm tree |
| vte_imangrove2.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 medium size tree |
| vte_imangrove3.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 medium size tree |
| vte_imangrove4.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 medium size tree |
| vte_imangrove5.p3d | 5 | Simple | 5 different trees |
| vte_irssz_brush.p3d | 5 | Simple | 5+ bushes |
| vte_irssz_brushd.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 thin bush |
| vte_irssz_trees.p3d | 4 | Simple | 4+ bushes / small trees |
| vte_les_nw_ctver_pruhozi.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 tree |
| vte_low_canopy.p3d | 5 | Simple | 5+ bushes / small trees |
| vte_low_canopy2.p3d | 4 | Simple | 4 bushes / small trees |
| vte_low_canopy3.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 bush thick |
| vte_low_canopy4.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 bush, very ugly, not used? |
| vte_rubber.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 tree |
| vte_tallgrass.p3d | 1 | Simple | 1 elephant grass, very thick |

It looks fairly easy task to split these guys up. Its just matter of splitting the 50m blocks up, or even use the existing single objects we have (seems like most of the blocks are made out of the existing objects), so it might be as easy as just running this setup through Roller forest to single trees replacement feature and deleting the 50m blocks. But I think there are some splitting up to do, for example vte_rubber does not have the rubber tree as single object.

This will be very interesting project to work on. I just hope we don't end up with 1+ million objects on some of the terrains which have triple canopy on wast areas :)
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