Looking for a new graphics card for ofp VTE fps boost

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Looking for a new graphics card for ofp VTE fps boost

Post by bigstone »

I want to get a new graphics card. I have AMD Athlon 62x2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ @ 2.64 GHz overclocked. 2gb ddr2 ram. Nvidia GeForce 7900 GS @ 256 mb ram. I would like to upgrade my system. Should I get a faster cpu and keep my current graphics card? Or should I keep my cpu and purchase a 512 or 768mb Nvidia Graphics card. The reason is I would like to create single player missions that have over 200+ soldiers involved and I would like to have great fps out of it. What is the best graphics card out there that can handle such demands without over heating??? My budget is $200 to $300 price range.
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Post by Snake Man »

I'm not qualified to answer about todays graphics card performances and prices. But you should approach the problem from the angle that if your normal OFP runs ok, VTE should run also.

Many people dont realize that even if this modification has alot of jungle vegetation and killer good looking soldier units from Ebud, they are highly tweaked for performance. I personally spent sleepless nights adding resolution LODs to the various vehicle models we have so that the mod runs more smoothly.

I'd say that if you want to run 200+ units in the mission at one time, it can be done IF you can do it with basic OFP soldiers also.
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