Question concerning building TE in Europe v.0.5.

Europe theater

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Question concerning building TE in Europe v.0.5.

Post by Doc0301 »

When I wanted to save a new TE I was building for Europe v.0.5. , I got the following message:

"Warning: A-7D Corsair"

After I hit 'OK' anyway (other option was 'CANCEL') I could start all over again.

The F4 manual states that "you can save your engagement AT ANY POINT as you edit."(p.11-40) So:

1. Does anyone know where the 'Corsair' came from? What did I do wrong?
2. Also: in IA I get a map of the Balkans, but the airfields are European. By that I mean that the proportion of the airfield locations looks correct (UK, France, Germany, etc.), but the background is the Balkans. Even so that a carrier is projected somewhere in the Alps, where the North Sea should be. If I remember well, in v4.0 that was not the case.

Can someone help me out? Or did I simply do a bad Europe v.0.5. install?

3. A few general questions conerning building TE:
a) Do you always have to have an enemy to attack ? Can I overfly for ex. my hometown, whitout having to bomb it ? Or does it always have to be occupied by the enemy?
b) How do you create a simple navigation flight? (I know: sounds boring. It isn't. It's also a part of RL viper)
c) Is it possible to create training flights (ex. night landing, instrumental, etc.) in Europe Theatre, etc... (i.e. other then Korea?)

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