Campigns PAK areas

Terrain / Theater editing

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Campigns PAK areas

Post by i_hawk »

Well I'm kind of new in trying to modify campigns a bit...

How can i create PAK priority map? i mean like one i can choose areas which i want the forces to concentrate on...

Basically i'm trying to modify the Israeli campign for FF3... it has only 2 such areas on the PAK map... i did modified the trigger file and i also changed some objects parent IDs with TacEdit so i could include them in the trigger file... now i need to be able to set PAK priority...

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Post by Snake Man »

There is the PAK Map tutorial in our tutorials and then for example this topic about PAK map creation. Hope those help.
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Post by Peled »

Hey Yoni ! :)

If you changed Objects Parent ID's , then you must to save a New PaKMap file .
The Objects you want to become your PaKs should be higher then 81 up to 100 , i recomended 81 up to 91 , the first one to choose will be the default PaK .

besides that , look at SnakeMan's Links .

Triggers should be Modd after all PaKs & Campaigns are ready .

Btw :Why did you changed Objects parent IDs?
there is no need to change Parent ID's for "giving" Objects be in the Trigger file .
Once you got all PaKs and you know what Cities you want to become your Win/Lost Keys , include their ID's in the Trigger events .

IF you are talking about :
#IF_CONTROLLED 6 O 74 75 76


That is something else , no connection to the Campaign Paks , it is just a Trigger defination set up .
One important thing here : if you set a Value to some PaKs in the Trigger file , then you must set the same value to both opposite Teams for the Objective in the trigger event --Else CTD !
so both Teams have the same PaK value for a Captured Objective , see the example ...
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Post by i_hawk »

Thanx Snakeman

Anyone know how can i find or create a features.tdf file? couldn't find such file anywhere...
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Post by i_hawk »

Thanx Eyran... haven't seen your post when i posted the last...

Anyway, In Israeli campign it seems that the PAK map is devided but there are only 2 areas you can affect... how can i make it to divide into moe areas? is it by changing the PAK values? and it'll automatically set those areas on the map?

And another one, do you know if the ground forces in the files i have actually move and trying to capture enemy objects? or is it buggy? :D


Cool! i changed priority for some city and got it added to the PAK map... so now if i set a couple of cities as priority cities... ho can i define an area on the PAK map for this main city?

And one more thing, Eyran in the trigger file i need to set only the objective ID? or is it the parent ID? because i read parent but it was a pretty old document i read since SP2 days...

BTW i didn't add parents... i just changed parent numbers for some objectives because i thought that's the only way to define events for them in the trigger file...
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Post by Peled »

i'll try to reply to all your questions here , but first i'd suggest you to get back the original of your Campaigns since you did there some mess.....

Sorry i have never run your Campaigns , so i can not say if Ground troops are moving ...basically you need a Good Trigger file for the ground troops to move towards Objectives ! else they'll just move without a specific direction , though to the enemy cities .

In the trigger files what you define is just the Objectives ID's and Not the Parent ID's !

Check in Tacedit in the Objectives window to see what Obj ID is ,or just Double click on an Obj. , then , choose & define the Obj. you'd like in the events in the trigger file .

Parent ID's are not playing here ,you just need to make sure that all Parent ID's are valuated if you want the PaKMap be shown in the Tacedit Screen .
i_hawk wrote: Anyway, In Israeli campign it seems that the PAK map is devided but there are only 2 areas you can affect... how can i make it to divide into more areas? is it by changing the PAK values? and it'll automatically set those areas on the map?
Read The Tut , it explain everything right clear ...
basicaly , You should choose the Objectives you want become your PaKs (not more then 49 !) ,then change their PaK value up to 81 , if lower then 81 it'll not be a PaK Obj.

The first one you choose is your default PaK in the Pak Screen .
Then do the process as declare in the Tut , you can view your PaKs by clicking on Tacedit , View, Show PaKs and you'll see Purple Circles around the Obj .
i_hawk wrote: Cool! i changed priority for some city and got it added to the PAK map... so now if i set a couple of cities as priority cities... how can i define an area on the PAK map for this main city?
BTW i didn't add parents... i just changed parent numbers for some objectives because i thought that's the only way to define events for them in the trigger file
If you changed Priority even for One City then you need to Save the New PaK File , make sure it has been changed !
The area is definning automatic for that Obj city you choosed as the Parent links , so you need doing all Procedure for New Campaign since you gonn'a change your Parent Links also.... :)

Read the Tut ......

Campaign from Scretch.....just my suggestion......

it is easy once you'r in......... :wink:

i'm here or by The Cellular Telephone.....i'm staying in Israel for the nxt 2 years so you can call me if any problems , Yoni..... :D
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Post by i_hawk »

Hey thanx Eyran, i read the Tutorial and now things are more clear for me... i managed to set some new priority objectives with the right parent links... so now when i click on the map i can actually set priorities in the sim :) still couldn't do the clours stuff to change like in Korean PAK map... maybe later... thanx for the help and i hope it's working as i think it is.
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Post by Peled »

So you got a new IsraeliPak File , yeh ?
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Post by i_hawk »

yes... why? you sounds like it's a bad thing... :D did i broke something else by this?
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Post by Peled »

Nop , so , that's good !

i am waiting for report how it goes ....
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Post by i_hawk »

mmm... I need to work on the trigger some more and then of course fly it :D It'll take some time to know i guess...
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Post by Peled »

let me know what events you need , hope to find some free time , to cook something for you .

i need the Objs ID's that will be your keys for the events....
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Post by i_hawk »

Eyran i think I'm OK with the trigger file... i basically used some events from your files... for the offensive\deffensive events, with different objectives IDs of course... I used HART sites to call for invasions... only thing I'm not sure about in the trigger file is the PAK orders lines there... i need to read some more about it...

One thing i couldn't do is creatinmg a BMP PAK map for the PAK screen... i did everything that is in the tutorial, i created more Primary cities, i can use them in the sim and set values with the slider... but when i choose to view the PAK map in TacEdit i got a blank white screen... duno why :? is there something missing for the Israeli theater?
G-byte Nforce3 ultra,AMD 64 bit 3000+ 939 OC'ed to 2.25GHz, 1024MB 400 MHz CL 2.5 on dual channel , RADEON 9800 pro

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