I wanted to add some cool stuff to keep you guys updated so it was time to learn how to do RSS news feeds here. I have now added a test files for all sections. I would really appreciate if you guys would test them as I'll try to fiddle around them in next few hours/days to put in some news etc. I'm also thinking that same sort of news feed for the downloads page would be in order, although if I take the care to announce all download page modifications on the main news channel, then it would not be needed. Let me know what you think.
Here are the links to activate the news:
Falcon 4 rss
OFP rss
ArmA rss
VTE rss
ArmA 2 rss
ArmA 3 rss
Please check them out and give some feedback, I'd like to hear how they work and how could I improve them etc, is this the right way to handle the news etc. I'm new to this