An error over Tacedit?

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An error over Tacedit?

Post by Death_119 » 2002-09-20 00:37:00

I have been facing some sort of an annoying problem over Tacedit. it seems like that almost 60 military bases of mine over the my Te_New have sufferd a bizzar odd incident. they all seems to have changed there names authomaticly after a certien point of time by other pre names of most early objects. and while i fixed that over Tacedit i can't yet see any change over Falcon 4 its self. the common thing all objectives had was a number as a leading char at there name.

two photos for an example:

the right name over Tacedit


the name i'm getting over Falcon 4:


Snake Man
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Re: An error over Tacedit?

Post by Snake Man » 2002-09-20 04:05:00

Thats because there is limit on how large the <THEATER>.wch file can be, if it exceeds 32 kilobytes you see that effect in game. This is known limitation on 108i2, eF and SP.

One objective name can be long.

All objective names combined cannot be longer than 32 kilobytes .WCH file.

btw: Codec can fill in the exact specifics of what the terms are for this limitation, but for us poor guys its easy to just check out .wch and see: under 32kb == OK. over 32kb == Wrong.

Anyways, if someone else out there runs into this same problem here is quick fix:

First shorten the objective names alot, if you have like Death_119 here "88th Mechanized corps Camp" names, I suggest you shorten it to "88th mech" or something like that. Then do this:

1) backup your campaign/<THEATER>/ directory.
2) start tacedit, export objectives.
3) delete all objectives, save, exit.
4) delete <THEATER>.idx and <THEATER>.wch files.
5) start tacedit, import objectives.
6) save to give <THEATER>.wch name.

Done. now it should have scrapped the dupe names from WCH file and if you had the names short enough (all combined together) the wch file is under 32 kilobytes. Now just fire up falcon and all names should appear OK.

Snake Man
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