SP3 theater installation

Europe theater

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SP3 theater installation

Post by swell »

Hi Everyone

First of all I want to give my congratulations to all the TEAM who made SP3 possible.
I have installed this beuty today and as far as I can see, its simple beutiful.

But...I have a problem with the new theaters, when I "fire" the theater installer(most recent European theater) it shows a message like this:

"Hawaii theater not installed in the default F4 location.Select the location of the Falcon 4 SP3 installation.Do you want to select another folder?"

I say YES and give the new directions, but the message cames again and again...

By the way, first I unistalled sucesfully all the theaters inclusivelly my falcon4 olther installation and I have not installed my new Falcon4 on the C:\ directory, I have 3 partitions on my hard drive so I have installed falcon4 in the third one and named it FalconSP3.(e:\FalconSP3)

I spent hours trying to solve this problem, I look for init and exe, files hopping that I can find some directory directions that I can change, but no way :(

If anyone can help me I would apreciate and I hope this information can be useful for

Thanks for the attention
Snake Man
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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by Snake Man »

quote:Originally posted by swell:
when I "fire" the theater installer(most recent European theater) it shows a message like this:

"Hawaii theater not installed in the default F4 location.Select the location of the Falcon 4 SP3 installation.Do you want to select another folder?"
HAWAII theater NOT installed? what the heck...

I'd like to see screenshot from that please :)
quote:I have installed falcon4 in the third one and named it FalconSP3.(e:\FalconSP3)
Thats good, no spaces in the path name. Very good.

Snake Man
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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by ccc »

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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by swell »

Thanks to everyone for the support

About my problem....I think that I not explain myself very well, the history is this :I want to clean my PC before SP3 installation so I unistall all the theaters and Falcon4 too but them I use this wonderfull Partition Magic program and made 3 new partitions in my hardrive so it's natural that the hawaiian and European theater installer looks for the older installation to unistall and it can't finde him because drive leters have change.
I don't know what to do :(
I have SP3 but I miss my hawaiian and European theater a lot.

Thanks for all
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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by ccc »

did you read that FAQ?
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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by swell »

Thanks CCC

I read it and when I get home I will try it, in 2 hours I will give you a answer
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Re: SP3 theater installation

Post by swell »

CCC thanks a lot,

You are right CCC, I follow your instructions and all went fine, the problem is that "Installshield installation information" folder.
I delete that two folders and it was perfect.
You make my day budy.

For the guys who havw the same problem read this:http://www.pmctactical.org/f4/cgi-bin/u ... 3&t=000089

Thanks again CCC :D :D :D

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