Europe Theater: Map problem!

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Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

If I create a 10x10 degrees map, and importat the DEM data into DEM_2_L2, I get the following result:



The edges look weird and blurry.

But when I use a 20x20 DEM data file I get the following result:


Looks much better but it's too big! Any ideas?

DEM data supplied by GLOBE, .
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Snake Man »

quote:Originally posted by Tazz:
The edges look weird and blurry.
Thats because you run out of DEM data in the 10 by 10 dem map, you need to download like 11 by 11 or maybe 12 by 12 dem datas.
But when I use a 20x20 DEM data file I get the following result:

Looks much better but it's too big! Any ideas?
What do you mean its too big?

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I think I get it now. Image Well I have the same problem with 12x12 map.

The red square I see in the "DEM" software, that's 10x10 right?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Snake Man »

quote:Originally posted by Tazz:
The red square I see in the "DEM" software, that's 10x10 right?
Yes. Well try to leech some huge 20 by 20 dem I'm sure that has enough data Image

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I'll try that now! Thx Image
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I used a big 20x20 DEM, loaded that into DEM2_L2.. and put the 'red square' over the desired area and ended up with the following result.

Just curious, this is a 10x10 DEM map? Getting confused here. Image

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Snake Man »

Yes its 10 by 10 dem, default size. DEM2L Spherical Converter only supports default sized maps.

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I think this is the map I want to use next. I got the data on Poland and Germany as stated in the tutorial. But what's next?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

Ah the tutorial only assumes data on one country. I have those data files on both Germany AND Poland (Since part of Poland seems to fit on the map anyway).


in your linux setup, we simply run:

./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 ROAD rdline.e00 >Vietnam-road.tdf
./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 RIVER dnnet.e00 >Vietnam-river.tdf
./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 COAST ponet.e00 >Vietnam-coast.tdf
./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 CITY pppoly.e00 >Vietnam-city.tdf
./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 Airport aepoint.e00 >Vietnam-airport.tdf
./ -range=40 -long=102.0 -lat=12.0 Label pppoint.e00 >Vietnam-label.tdf

And voila, we have Vietnam .tdf files ready to go with terrainview!

Problem: I got *2* versions of the above mentioned PL files, for Germany *AND* Poland.

What to do now?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

You don't need to use the perl scripts

Just run Dem2l.exe again, you can load
*.e00 files directely into them
Feature button does the trick
just load them one by one

and do transform
and save L

perl script TDF cannot be used (not sperical)

BTW Holland is off the map?????
you hurt my feelings.....LOL

Widowmaker aka Metalhead (from Holland)
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

Holland is off the map because large parts of it were drawn wrong.... as water.

Because of skinning problems and overal number of units, I've decided to use assume a USAF(E) vs VVS (Soviet AF) scenario first. Later on adding units of the East German/Polish AF and NATO is skinning/unit count allows.

BTW I'm a cheesehead too. Image

So now I DONT have to use PERL scripts? I've been downloading Perl for Win32 (out of Linux box for the moment) and creating all the TDF files for nothing?? ARRRRRRRRGH
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

Looks like most of Poland will fit in as well!

Any idea if someone is working the following models:

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by ccc »

Dont worry about those toys.
You'll get them once 3d conversion succeed. Image

BTW, what variant of Su17/20/22 you want?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I've decided to leave the Su-20 out. It's not externally much different from the Su-22/Su-17 and only used by Polish AF until the mid 90s.

Su-17M-4 for Soviet AF
Su-22M-3 for Polish AF
Su-22M-4 for East German AF

MiG-21bis/MiG-21MF/MiG-21UM for Polish/East German AF

MiG-23MF for Polish AF
MiG-23MF/ML/BN for East German AF
MiG-23MLD for Soviet AF

MiG-27K for Soviet AF

MiG-29A for Polish/East German / Soviet AF
MiG-29C for Soviet AF

I think we can skip the Hoplite (Mi-2) but in such a theater we would also need Mi-8/Mi-17 for airlift operations.

Su-24MP for Soviet AF
Su-27 for Soviet AF (4th Soviet AF, Poland)

I think we could assume that Tu-95s would be deploy either to Poland or launch strategic bombing missions from Russia. I'm not sure if the Tu-16 is reasonable to include, but since we don't have Tu-22s, why not. Would be a nice match up for the B-52 and B-1B.
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

The problem with the E00 files for Germany is that these are for the current UNITED germany.

So the TDF files containing airfields, roads, cities etc are for the entire German country not seperated for East/West Germany. Can I later devide them into East/West or is this going to be hell on earth? Image
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by ccc »

quote:Originally posted by Tazz:

Su-17M-4 for Soviet AF
Su-22M-3 for Polish AF
Su-22M-4 for East German AF
> Ya, I know many theaters need this one. will check it. but fixed wing a/c will go first, we dont know how to reproduce swing wing in f4 yet.

MiG-21bis/MiG-21MF/MiG-21UM for Polish/East German AF
>Mig21MF/bis already done. are you sure want a um?

MiG-23MF for Polish AF
MiG-23MF/ML/BN for East German AF
MiG-23MLD for Soviet AF
>same as swinging wing problem.

MiG-27K for Soviet AF
>could be done if that problem solved.

MiG-29A for Polish/East German / Soviet AF
MiG-29C for Soviet AF
>F4A is working on C, i think. skins wont be a big problem. I think they want a much better shape and 2-4 pieces of textures to cover a new model.

I think we can skip the Hoplite (Mi-2) but in such a theater we would also need Mi-8/Mi-17 for airlift operations.
>I've got 8/17 line drawings. fuselage could be done easily. same problem, got to make rotors spin,

Su-24MP for Soviet AF
Su-27 for Soviet AF (4th Soviet AF, Poland)
>Skins wont be a problem.

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »


I tried to do what WidowMaker told me, directly importing the E00 files into the map through DEM2_L2 but this became a problem as I have E00 files for *2* countries, Poland and Germany. If I would load all the German ones, it wouldn't show the Polish info anymore and visa versa.

So I downloaded Perl for Win32 and managed to convert the E00 files into Germany-*.TDF and Poland-*.TDF files.. question is, now what?

Do I need to use the Balkan terrain to make my own terrain? This part got sort of confusing, specially at 5 in the morning Image
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Hello Tazz

- First Holland is not drawn wrong
Holland is for more then 50% below sea
DEM2LF doesn't now this it just translates
elavation below zero as water
-Second you can't use TDF files with you're
If you want to use it you got to make your
map too with perlscript.(spherical calculation is not in perlscripts)

-Third DEM2lf.exe should do the trick
yet I only used it on one question
Maybey Snakeman has tested it???

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

quote:Originally posted by Widowmaker:

- First Holland is not drawn wrong
Holland is for more then 50% below sea
DEM2LF doesn't now this it just translates
elavation below zero as water
Therefor Holland *IS* drawn wrong as half country is below sea level, not UNDERWATER! Image Since Poland would be more important incase of an European war, and Holland would not, I've decided to move the map to show more of Poland than of Holland.
-Second you can't use TDF files with you're
If you want to use it you got to make your
map too with perlscript.(spherical calculation is not in perlscripts)

-Third DEM2lf.exe should do the trick
yet I only used it on one question
Maybey Snakeman has tested it???
No no. I *know* that you create the TDF files by converting the DEM E00 datafiles by perlscripts and you use the TDF files with TerrainView.

The problem I ran into is this:

I open the above map with DEM2_L2, and I load alle E00 feature files for Germany. Roads get drawn etc, all very nice. Then I load the same E00 feature files for Poland. Then all the Polish roads etc get drawn but those of Germany disappear. Seems to me that DEM2_L2 is not capable of handling 2 instances of the feature files each with different data and is unable to merge the 2 E00 files into one map.

But that's okay, I'll use the TDF files with Terrainview (eventhough you said I didn't had to Image ) , I'll work it out Image

Still, do I have to install the Balkans theater to create my own? If so, why?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Hallo Tazz

You need Balkan5
You'll have more textures to tile from
Regsetup is being done
You need to alter it for you're theater

Do you have ICQ
we could discuss things in Dutch
or maybey by phone
works easier

Just let me know

De groeten Weduwemaker alias Metaalhoofd
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »


I don't have ICQ but you can contact me by email at

I've dowloaded the Balkan5 theater and the documentation written by Schumi but this all assumes that you're continueing to work on the Balkan theater but I want a new theater. Image I remember reading somewhere about this....I just can't find it anymore.

So my question now is...........what to do next?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

New problem:

I've created my TDF files according to the PMC Tutorial.

I downloaded the data on Germany and Poland, the E00 files. I opened my Europe.hdr, and LONG=6, LAT=40.

I then used the following lines to create the TDF files for Germany:

perl [path] -range=40 -long=6.0 -lat=40.0 ROAD rdline.e00 >germany-road.tdf

etc etc.........but when I load the Germany-Road or Germany-Aiport TDF's in TerrainView, all roads, cities and airports end up in the upper left corner, stacked on top of eachother (with correct distances though) and not at all where they ought to be.

I suspect something is wrong with my LONG/LAT figures, but these WERE taken from my HDR file as instructed in the tutorial. The Long/Lat in DEM2_L2 for my selected 10x10 map is 14.008/50.667 incase that means anything.

Anyone any ideas? I'm sort of......stuck now!
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz » sos? mayday? Image
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Hello Tazz

Sure it wont work
You have to make your map too with
perlscriptif you made tdf files with perl script
Yet your map will change dramatically

I'll mail you my phone number
so we walk through things more easy and quicker
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

You said to import all the E00 files into DEM2_L2 instead but that doesn't work too good. It shows the road but it just ignores all the cities and airports.

[This message has been edited by Tazz (edited January 03, 2001).]
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Well I told you a few posts ago

Read my friend....
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

But that didn't and still does not work here. The map doesn't show the information from the E00 files and DEM2_L2 doesn't create any TDF files either.
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Forget my last post
didn't know what came over me.......
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

I will test Dem2lf.exe
more extensively..
Yet it has to wait till weekend
I'm to busy right now
(I sure hope you did something wrong)
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I tried it again with DEML2_L2. I'm pretty sure that my E00 files are correct, they seem correct anyway. I load the header (HDR) file of my map. I then goto features and load for example road and city and airport E00s. I transform and save. Problem is, it will show the roads on the map but it won't produce any TDF files.

So now I'm starting over again by not using DEM2_L2 but Julian's perlscripts from the start, like stated in the tutorial to see if that goes any better.
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

When I only use the Perlscripts, it works now. All the info in the TDF files end up at right the spot!
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

New problem (things never go easy do they? Image )...I wanted to get new DEM Data from GLOBE, for a E-6/W-16/N-57/S-47 region. I've tried it now 4 times but when I download the TGZ (TAR) file, the header contains the WRONG information. It still contains the default -180/180/-90/90 information!

Anyone else had this problem? The only DEM Data I can use now is E-5/W-15 because I had that one still on my harddisk but I want E-6/W-16 and everytime I try to compile it through Globe and download it, I get the wrong header! (and possibly also wrong BIN file)
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I've downloaded now 6 different 'packages' from the GLOBE server and each and everyone had the default -180/180, -90/90 coordinates in the header.

Does anyone else has the same problem?
If not, could someone pass me the DEM data for the following coordinates:

North: 57
South: 47
East: 6
West: 16

I'd appreciate it Image
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

Just rename the header

When you got and Germany.hdr
for instance

Rename header in Germany.hdr

file_title =Germany

this should do the job
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Widowmaker »

And again forget my reply again

I should really start to read your post better
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

hehehe reading is an art Image

Well the problem is that I used to get the correct headers, with correct Long/Lat coordinates.

However since this afternoon, every package of DEM data I download, has the default Long/Lat coordinates in its header, instead of the coordinates I specified on the webpage.

It really puzzles me.

Got your email btw.
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Tazz »

I know what you mean in your post. When you select to download the DEM data files as 3 seperate files, IE 5.0 (and possibly Netsheep) saves them as incorrect filetypes.

I countered that problem by selecting to download these files in one TAR (.tgz) archive so that's not the problem I'm heaving now.
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Snake Man »

quote:Originally posted by Tazz:
When you select to download the DEM data files as 3 seperate files, IE 5.0 (and possibly Netsheep) saves them as incorrect filetypes.
It sure pays off downloading them in tar format, my drive is filled with DEM terrain data packets all around Image

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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by 87th_striker »

Anyone got these data for western Russia ?

Political/Ocean (Point)
Populated Places (Polygon)
Populated Places (Point)
Roads (Line)
Drainage (Network)
Aeronautical (Point)

If so please mail it to me ?
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Re: Europe Theater: Map problem!

Post by Snake Man »

quote:Originally posted by 87th_striker:
Anyone got these data for western Russia ?
You must download one feature at time, or maybe two, Aeronautical is pretty thin file for example. Russia and China are so damn huge that the site wont allow to download all together.

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