The edges look weird and blurry.
But when I use a 20x20 DEM data file I get the following result:

Looks much better but it's too big! Any ideas?
DEM data supplied by GLOBE, www.ngdc.noaa.gov .
Moderators: Lone Wolf, Snake Man
Thats because you run out of DEM data in the 10 by 10 dem map, you need to download like 11 by 11 or maybe 12 by 12 dem datas.quote:Originally posted by Tazz:
The edges look weird and blurry.
What do you mean its too big?quote:
But when I use a 20x20 DEM data file I get the following result:
Looks much better but it's too big! Any ideas?
Yes. Well try to leech some huge 20 by 20 dem I'm sure that has enough dataquote:Originally posted by Tazz:
The red square I see in the "DEM" software, that's 10x10 right?
quote:Originally posted by Tazz:
Su-17M-4 for Soviet AF
Su-22M-3 for Polish AF
Su-22M-4 for East German AF
> Ya, I know many theaters need this one. will check it. but fixed wing a/c will go first, we dont know how to reproduce swing wing in f4 yet.
MiG-21bis/MiG-21MF/MiG-21UM for Polish/East German AF
>Mig21MF/bis already done. are you sure want a um?
MiG-23MF for Polish AF
MiG-23MF/ML/BN for East German AF
MiG-23MLD for Soviet AF
>same as swinging wing problem.
MiG-27K for Soviet AF
>could be done if that problem solved.
MiG-29A for Polish/East German / Soviet AF
MiG-29C for Soviet AF
>F4A is working on C, i think. skins wont be a big problem. I think they want a much better shape and 2-4 pieces of textures to cover a new model.
I think we can skip the Hoplite (Mi-2) but in such a theater we would also need Mi-8/Mi-17 for airlift operations.
>I've got 8/17 line drawings. fuselage could be done easily. same problem, got to make rotors spin,
Su-24MP for Soviet AF
Su-27 for Soviet AF (4th Soviet AF, Poland)
>Skins wont be a problem.
Therefor Holland *IS* drawn wrong as half country is below sea level, not UNDERWATER!quote:Originally posted by Widowmaker:
- First Holland is not drawn wrong
Holland is for more then 50% below sea
DEM2LF doesn't now this it just translates
elavation below zero as water
No no. I *know* that you create the TDF files by converting the DEM E00 datafiles by perlscripts and you use the TDF files with TerrainView.quote:
-Second you can't use TDF files with you're
If you want to use it you got to make your
map too with perlscript.(spherical calculation is not in perlscripts)
-Third DEM2lf.exe should do the trick
yet I only used it on one question
Maybey Snakeman has tested it???
It sure pays off downloading them in tar format, my drive is filled with DEM terrain data packets all aroundquote:Originally posted by Tazz:
When you select to download the DEM data files as 3 seperate files, IE 5.0 (and possibly Netsheep) saves them as incorrect filetypes.
You must download one feature at time, or maybe two, Aeronautical is pretty thin file for example. Russia and China are so damn huge that the site wont allow to download all together.quote:Originally posted by 87th_striker:
Anyone got these data for western Russia ?