
Vietnam theater

Moderators: Lone Wolf, Snake Man

Posts: 1
Joined: 2001-01-09 23:01:01


Post by psychobabble » 2001-01-10 02:35:00

I love the Vietnam add on (Great Idea!!!) but when I load the campaign, there is no enemy (North Vietnamese MiGs) to fly against. It's just me, my wingie, and the wild blue yonder. There are surface threats but no A2A because there is no opposition. When I try to fly a MiG, the game doesn't fully load. Does anyone know why this happens? Please help.

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Re: Help!!!

Post by ccc » 2001-01-10 03:23:00

quote:Originally posted by psychobabble:
I love the Vietnam add on (Great Idea!!!) but when I load the campaign, there is no enemy (North Vietnamese MiGs) to fly against. It's just me, my wingie, and the wild blue yonder. There are surface threats but no A2A because there is no opposition. When I try to fly a MiG, the game doesn't fully load. Does anyone know why this happens? Please help.
Ya, We know that already.
Be patient, you'll get more AA/AG action in Beta 3, we r testing it now.
more squadrons, more targets, more SAM/AAA, and more Migs!

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