Okay great, so now that we have that nasty obvious stuff out of the way lets talk about technical editing
As everyone should know by now
PMC addon / mod releases are error free, we have zero tolerance policy for errors.
When I'm editing it begins by learning how to do a simple editing task so that there will be no errors and then I'm repeating the task over and over again to all our terrains.
So whatever we edit, it will be error free. If there are some error that sneak in, all editing will be halted until the error is fixed. We live in the FS19 GE and game log files.
Quick tip: Notepad++ has "tail -F" function, you open GE / game .log in notepad++ and use the tail -f function and it will constantly update log file when its being written, all errors are fairly easy to see during editing.
Building models: we use giants residential buildings. Long time ago I grabbed them from mapUS and imported into
PMC_Helpers transformgroup where they are easy to copy-paste aka CTRL-D duplicate from. For vehicle sheds we use CBJ midwest buildings pack. For farm bin silos, umm err cant recall what auger pipe bin's I used in iowa garden city (need to look them up).
Buildings are simply placed in top-down 2D over the satellite texture / imagery. Building by building, trying to match the size of the buildings as best as possible. This is a constant struggle because often times there are no exact matching size building 3D models available of what you can see in satellite imagery, but we do the best we can.
Editing "passes". First pass is buildings, second pass is vegetation, third pass is decorations. Umm actually now I cant remember in which pass I did utility poles
Its important to note that yes people, these little kidz in the community, love what I call "pixel porno", meaning very fine small details like fences and decorations etc, that is pure eye candy and doesn't make terrain any more playable, decorations actually make terrain less playable because they add useless junk like fences etc crap in there (see all BRITISH mapz haha), in the third pass yes we add decorations but it definitely is on the back burner.
Anyone helping me to place buildings has to understand that if you try to to dazzle me with your uber decoration placing skillz, you're wasting your time, just stick with first pass of object placement, simple building-for-building on top of 2D satellite imagery and you'll do fine.
Here are some dev diaries for reference, you don't have to read all through as they are very long, but here they are anyways, at least skim through the pretty pictures heh:
dev diary PMC Iowa Garden City 8km is a very good read to see what kind of level of detail I keep when doing real world data terrains (building-for-building, tree-for-tree on farm yards).
Further dev diaries for FS19:
dev diary PMC Grande Gardens 16km
dev diary PMC Montana Shelby 8km
And for FS22 just for reference, even though some things wont work the same for FS19:
dev diary PMC Cereal Region 32km
dev diary PMC King Corn 45km
dev diary PMC Korkscrew 40km
dev diary PMC RedWhiteBlue 10km
dev diary PMC Super Six 6km
dev diary PMC Undefined Farms 20km
How editing cooperation would work: well I 7-zip the current terrain project for the people helping, link will be sent privately (obviously, community full of thieves, remember heh), objects are placed in transformgroups under "Buildings", usually one farm yard in "Location-01", "Location-02" etc, dunno if my method had specific one for player farms (forgot already).
Once editing is done for which ever number of farm yards got done, being it one or several in one days editing session, these transformgroups are moved into lets say "UsersName_DATE" transformgroup, and this whole transformgroup is exported to I3D, the I3D + shapes file is then 7-zip packed (please, no ZIP, no RAR, since over decade ago we use 7-zip) and privately uploaded to proper file host like google/drive and link sent to me again privately.
I'll then proceed to import the transformgroup / objects into the "master source" of the terrain project in my HDD.
All this is subject to change, its first time for me to cooperate with anyone in this export / import manner so we'll surely fine tune the tool pipeline so it works the best for our use.
I probably forgot many small things about editing techniques etc in this post, but the general starter info is there now.
I'm not trying to force anyone to edit just the way I do, but at the end of the day these are PMC terrains and some wild editing techniques wont fly there.
Just trying to talk about these editing issues before hand so there is as less changes needed to be made when exchanging transformgroup export / import 7-zip's. But we must prepare that there definitely will be those changes like "ok looks good except XYZ and ZYX needs to be made like this / that" type of things. Such changes are not to be taken "uh oh I messed up, this sux" but as just a simple refining our tool pipeline.
Overall I don't want to repeat the horror mistakes of 2019 where dude was sending me whole terrain project as "mod zip" with all kinds of useless shit private mods added and there was exponentially increasing number of errors in each upload even after I specifically mentioned that hey dude there is dozens of errors here, fix them, we don't do errors.
Sorry for the long post again, I'm just trying to explain things before getting started so there is as little surprises or "well I didn't know / expect that!" issues on both sides.
ARG_afb: how about now, are you scared off yet?
If not, do you have any editing questions so far about anything related to such cooperation?