Special objectives / sites / targets

Europe theater

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Special objectives / sites / targets

Post by Snake Man »

I would like to add some special objectives / sites / targets into the Europe objects list. I mean there has to be some nuke plants and such places in europe at 1985?

Who's willing to help gather a realistic list of objectives and their details?
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Post by molnibalage »

Nuke plant? There is one in Hugary near Paks. Goolemaps link for complex.

http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&z=15&ll ... 5&t=h&om=1

There is an 19th century fortress comlex near Komárom, and the russians used to store ammo in the biggest buliding. The ammont was above 10000 tonns! Can you model somhow this?


(And If you want I can send what squadron were in Hungary around the late-middle of '80s and their home bases too. Both Hugary and russian squadrons.)
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Post by Luk »

There is an other nuke plant - in the Czech Republic, near Dukovany.
started building - 1974
It works since 1985.

http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&om=1&z= ... 147629&t=h

The second and bigger nuke plant Temelin is situated here:

http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&om=1&z= ... 147629&t=h

started building - 1987
it works since - 2002
I dont know, if u want to include this newer plant. U can prepare the place for it.

I must say, I spent a lot of time last year gathering info about Czechoslovak midd-80. army. I started to build new 64 theater at first. But I realised it is a pitty to make it separated, when there is 128 Euro theater.

So I started to tile Your Eu128 manually + sharping elevations and removing river yo-yo efect in segments manually too. I also want to add Czech airbases. Contemporary bases are only small part of bases network from past (mid 80.).
I hope it is not problem, I am playing with it.

There are few images from creation process. Some from Alpes, Bodensee and another from the Czech - for example Krkonose mountains and so on.
These picts captured from flight has some bugs, because they was taken for debug purposes.

During tiling I realized one big disadvantage. In texture pack you use, there are some "river in city" tiles missing. It was possible to use only from right to upper left diagonal river-in-city texture. Mirrored and left-right and top-bottom rivers in the cities are not included. I was thinking about it and find these tiles in AF texture pack (it is possible the complete Korean pack have them...?).

Another disadvantage is, these default Korean textures u use have so rectangular shaped contures. This is not natural for Europe. AF texture pack uses more diagonal, irregular patterns, espetially for fields. So all these advantages and reason I make it mainly for F4AF (i love) guided me to use AF texture pack.

Czech terrain with AF textures:
http://members.upc.cz/francek/Czech/Nym ... ebrady.jpg

It would be fine, when developers will say this or that texture pack is a standard. AF pack have all transitions I need and there is no need to use exactly these textures for FF OF versions (in case there will be licence problem).

Sorry for my English, I hope u can see what I am writing about. :)


P.S. I red in some post, u have sent some "bmp zip" file in the begining. Is it possible to offer some objectives file for fans from particular countries now? I have more objectives then these two nuclear power plants... :)
Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man »

Luk thanks for the nuke plant links.

Is there errors on the airbase list Red Dog put together?

We wont use AF only tiles, but I have been recently thinking about just making a 512 new european greenish tiles for this theater. But thats for another topic, this is for the objectives.

I'm not sure what bmp zip you're talking about for objectives?
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Post by molnibalage »

"I must say, I spent a lot of time last year gathering info about Czechoslovak midd-80. army."

It is very good. With you and my info's someone can bulid up the army's of Warsaw Treaty countries. Need info about the Poland and East Germany forces.
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Post by Luk »

Hi, I am really short in time now, so I can reply better in the future..

"Is there errors on the airbase list Red Dog put together?"

I looked into the excel list and don't know if all mentioned bases there are included in F4...some are orange, some yellow...?
But these important military are not included in XLS:

! - really important
# some of not so important

Plzeň-Bory - Mi-24D, Mi-17
#Dobřany near Plzen- Mi-2(armed or scout) since 1988 Mi-2 and Mi-8
!Žatec - Mig23MF, Mig-21 small helis
Panenský Týnec - rezerve for Žatec
!Bechyně - Mig-21 ...
!Hradec Králové - attack, recon...
+2 interesting airstrips

CCCP - Soviet occupied
!Mladá - CCCP Mig-23M, Mi-24D, Mi-8, Mi-6
!Hradčany - CCCP Mig-23, Mig-27K, Mi-24V,D, Mi-8, Mi-6, An-12,26
Olomouc-Neředín - CCCP - Mi-24D, Mi-8, Mi-6
#Mnichovo Hradiště - rezerve for helis
#Vysoké Mýto - CCCP Mi-24, big army base

I'm not sure what bmp zip you're talking about for objectives?

I will explain later, sorry...must run
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Post by Luk »

Hi guys, I am back.

"I'm not sure what bmp zip you're talking about for objectives?"

I did not say it clearly, sorry. I have red u offered bmp file to fans at the early stage of terrain developing (terrain types). Some of fans changed parts of that bmp map then and your time was saved. Is it possible to do the same with objective file? I have no experience with this file, so I have asked.

molnibalage wrote:
"It is very good. With you and my info's someone can bulid up the army's of Warsaw Treaty countries. Need info about the Poland and East Germany forces."

Yes! But we don't have to wait. We can get contracted info we need in this page :
It's really usefull! And there is some lucid map. I have found it an hour before :)
Ok, info only about airbases, but they are the most important. But be carefull, the aircraft data for Czech are from 1990. In the post, I wrote above, there are 1985 data. Thats why there are no Su22 and Mig29 in the Czech rep yet.

U can see large number of military bases there and it is not so important to include them all, but Zatec, Bechyne, Hradec Kralove, Milovice-Mlada and Mimon-Hradcany are really must-have...

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