Forests and Region tool particulars

WrpTool island creator utility

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Forests and Region tool particulars

Post by shinRaiden » 2004-05-15 22:31:59

Possible idea, have the region tool parse the defined forests list and always skew forest objects regardless of what mode the region tool is in.

From OFPEC by cj525:
this is just an observation. But when I was building an island I was running into alot of floating forests. After many hours of frustration I stumbled on a solve. Firstly the forest sections placed using the region object placement tool caused the floating problem. however if I used the forest placment tool in the region menu I didn't get any floating forests. The only problem is the forest placment tool is very limiting in how the forest is placed, meaning it places a section of forest in every cell of the selected region. So if you want a sparsley placed forest area (lots of open areas) you have to either go back and delete the sections or just place small areas.

this was just an observation if anyone else has anything to add or correct it would be most welcome.
My response:
Thanks for the update. The 'unique' nature of forest objects and the floating issues we've seen have been dealt with in WRPtool via a 'skewing' function that fits the forest sections to the terrain. This is only called if you use the forest placer tab on the region tool.

Your idea about using the general region tool for sparser forests is an interesting one, maps may look a bit funky if you have triangle shaped pizza-plugs all over the place though. You may want to consider making 4x ~ 9x blocks of forest using the forest placer, then copying and pasting those blocks around for a similar effect.
Last edited by shinRaiden on 1970-01-01 00:00:00, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Forests and Region tool particulars

Post by Snake_Man » 2004-05-16 10:55:07

If I recall correctly, this guy is making a NAM island and using the individual SEB style forest objects which CAN be placed individually.

Normal BIS forests are planned to be placed in large numbers, but yeah I guess you can place just one, but it looks blocky 50x50m then without any shape.

So forest placer/region tool has never been designed to place forest objects sparsely so that there is empty spaces in the forest. I did that simply placing big forest and then manually deleting some to make that Ia Drang jungle effect.

... that is if I at all understood whats this about.

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Re: Forests and Region tool particulars

Post by Chneemann » 2004-12-04 13:05:44


I'm looking for a CWC-forest which don't fly on uneven/bumpy underground.

I search for deciduous forest with underwood like "Malden forest" (les_su_ctver_pruhozi_t1) in the regiontool.

Thanks Chneemann
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Re: Forests and Region tool particulars

Post by Chneemann » 2004-12-18 15:37:53

Nobody some idea? :'(
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Re: Forests and Region tool particulars

Post by Berghoff » 2005-01-03 12:50:32


I got a lot of problems with custom forest (From BAS_O, Kegnoecain_snow etc). Whatever I do they are not alligned like that should be, they are you in a straight line on the ground causing it to float on hilly terrain. I've tried to first place Everon forest and they replace them with a custom forest but I doesn't work.

Are there any workarounds for this? I've even tried to make my own forest by editing the vertexes (keep height (fence)).

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