F-4 cockpit

Vietnam theater

Moderators: Snake Man, Lone Wolf


F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »

I was just wondering if anyone is working on a F4 Phantom II cockpit?

S. "Conan" Mangs

Re: F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »

I would love to know the same. From the screenshots the pit looks like the F16. It would be very nice to see someone more talented than me do something.

Re: F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »

Nobody has build a F-4E cockpit that I know of, that would be cool tho.

Its kind of weird that these cockpit builders do many versions of F-16 cockpits, but no other aircrafts (except F14 and B1). We are living on Fly Any Plane age so I think we need more cockpits.

Snake Man

Re: F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »

Inside F4A, members have talked about phantom pit.
my 2c, if you all want phantom pit badly, go to :

mail webmaster what you want.
maybe it could draw enough attention to shape a phantom pit project.

Re: F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »


Try this link it got lots of cockpits of other planes, most of them ripoffs from other sims and not fully working yet nice to have them and fly them once in awhile


Re: F-4 cockpit

Post by Guest »

most from Jane's USAF.
I think f4 community got lots gifted hands.
we should aim at more authentic pits with features like 1024x768 res, canopy reflection, avonics, clickable items, etc.
though creating new pits is no easy thing, i agree we r short of pit-makers on this.
BTW, we r short of skin-makers too. lots 3d models keep naked :(

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