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VTE - The most detailed and comprehensive Vietnam modification for ArmA

Moderators: Lone Wolf, Snake Man

Posts: 241
Joined: 2007-09-28 11:38:55
Location: Down Under

Post by anzacsas »

this is another small tweak to the grass that i shoulda post prior.

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class GrassClutter
probability[] = {0.88, 0.13, 0.15};
names[] = {"GrassGeneral", "GrassveryLong", "GrassLong"};
Posts: 241
Joined: 2007-09-28 11:38:55
Location: Down Under

Post by anzacsas »

Hi all,

Been spending some time sorting out some bugs and trying to improve some the playability of the mod.

So i just ust posted some fixes to snakeman that also includes some nice touches.
Two of which are sounds from the movie Full Metal Jacket for two weapons to go along with the ch-34 sound i also extracted from the movie that i recently posted.

Anyway here's the list of edits that i made -

Needed Changes that have been tested.


uh1 fov-

class ViewPilot {
initAngleX = 5;
minAngleX = -20;
maxAngleX = 35;
initAngleY = 0;
minAngleY = -90;
maxAngleY = 90;
initFov = 1;
minFov = 0.5;
maxFov = 1;

uh1 dustoff-

class ViewPilot {
initAngleX = 5;
minAngleX = -20;
maxAngleX = 35;
initAngleY = 0;
minAngleY = -90;
maxAngleY = 90;
initFov = 0.1;
minFov = 0.5;
maxFov = 0.1;

class VTE_ah1g : VTE_Helicopters {
class Turrets {
class ViewOptics {
initFov = 0.1;
minFov = 0.3;
maxFov = 1.2;


Improved hi-res glass textures-

replace the glass2.paa texture inside these folders -


with the a10_glass_ca.paa texture found in the A10.pbo/Data folder.


class VTE_ah1g added -

damageResistance = 0.00593;

class VTE_uh1 added -

damageResistance = 0.00290;

class VTE_ch34 added -

damageResistance = 0.00300;

class VTE_ch47c added -

damageResistance = 0.00400;

class VTE_oh6 added -

damageResistance = 0.00290;

class VTE_s56 added -

damageResistance = 0.00400;


class VTE_RaiderCAS -

armor = 75;
damageResistance = 0.00485;
armorStructured = 1;
landingSpeed = 220;
flapsFrictionCoef = 0.4;
aileronSensitivity = 0.6;
elevatorSensitivity = 0.8;
gunAimDown = 0.08;
soundEngine[] = {"\VTE_sounds\vehicle\engine_a1.wss", 25, 1};
envelope[] = {0.0, 0.5, 1.2, 1.7, 2.3, 4, 4.5, 4, 3.4, 2.8, 1.6, 0.8, 0};
maxSpeed = 650;


class VTE_M60 : VTE_BaseMGun {
scope = 2;
displayName = $STR_VTE_DISPLAYNAME_M60;
model = "\VTE_wpn\VTE_m60.p3d";
picture = "\VTE_wpn\inv\vte_m60_ca.paa";
reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\M60reload.ogg", 0.000316228, 1};
magazines[] = {"VTE_100Rnd_762x51_M60", "100Rnd_762x51_M240"};
modes[] = {"manual", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2", "AI_Automatic3", "AI_Automatic4","AI_Automatic5", "AI_Automatic6"};

class manual : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadtime = 0.093;
soundContinuous = 0;
soundBurst = 0;
showToPlayer = 1;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M601shot", 19, 1};

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M605shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 5;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 80;
minRange = 0.1;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 50;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 80;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
showToPlayer = 0;


class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M606shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 6;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;
minRange = 80;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 120;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic3 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M607shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 7;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 250;
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 200;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 200;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic4 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M608shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 8;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 350;
minRange = 200;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 350;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic5 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M609shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 9;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 450;
minRange = 350;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 400;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 450;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;

class AI_Automatic6 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M6010shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 10;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 550;
minRange = 450;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 500;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 550;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;


class Library {
libTextDesc = "$STR_VTE_Lib_M60";


class VTE_m60s : VTE_M60 {
model = "\VTE_wpn\VTE_m60shorty.p3d";
picture = "\VTE_wpn\inv\w_m60shorty.paa";

modes[] = {"manual", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2", "AI_Automatic3", "AI_Automatic4","AI_Automatic5", "AI_Automatic6"};

class manual : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadtime = 0.093;
soundContinuous = 0;
soundBurst = 0;
showToPlayer = 1;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M601shot", 19, 1};

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M605shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 5;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 80;
minRange = 0.1;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 50;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 80;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
showToPlayer = 0;


class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M606shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 6;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;
minRange = 80;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 120;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic3 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M607shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 7;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 250;
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 200;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 200;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic4 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M608shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 8;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 350;
minRange = 200;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 350;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic5 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M609shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 9;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 450;
minRange = 350;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 400;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 450;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;

class AI_Automatic6 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\M6010shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 10;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 550;
minRange = 450;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 500;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 550;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;


class Library {
libTextDesc = "$STR_VTE_Lib_M60shorty";

class VTE_M16A1 : VTE_BaseRifle {

modes[] = {"Manual_Single", "Manual_Automatic", "AI_Single", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2"};

class Manual_Single : Base_Manual_Single {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class Manual_Automatic : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.07;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class AI_Single : Base_AI_Single {
reloadTime = 0.09;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 400;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 400;

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
burst = 7;
minRange = 0.1;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 25;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 50;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;

class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 50;
burst = 4;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 100;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;


class VTE_AR15 : VTE_BaseRifle {

modes[] = {"Manual_Single", "Manual_Automatic", "AI_Single", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2"};

class Manual_Single : Base_Manual_Single {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class Manual_Automatic : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.07;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class AI_Single : Base_AI_Single {
reloadTime = 0.09;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 400;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 400;

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
burst = 7;
minRange = 0.1;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 25;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 50;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;

class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 50;
burst = 4;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 100;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;


class VTE_XM177E : VTE_BaseRifle {

modes[] = {"Manual_Single", "Manual_Automatic", "AI_Single", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2"};

class Manual_Single : Base_Manual_Single {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class Manual_Automatic : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.07;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};

class AI_Single : Base_AI_Single {
reloadTime = 0.09;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 400;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 400;

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
burst = 7;
minRange = 0.1;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 25;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 50;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;

class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.066;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\m16", 11, 1};
minRange = 50;
burst = 4;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 100;
midRangeProbab = 0.7;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.03;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;



class VTE_M2 : MGun {

modes[] = {"Manual_Automatic", "AI_Automatic1", "AI_Automatic2", "AI_Automatic3"};

class Manual_Automatic : Base_Manual_Automatic {
displayName = ".50 Cal M2";
reloadTime = 0.11;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\50cal", 25, 1};


class AI_Automatic1 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.11;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\50cal", 25, 1};
burst = 8;
minRange = 0.2;
minRangeProbab = 0.3;
midRange = 50;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 100;
maxRangeProbab = 0.3;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 100;

class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.11;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\50cal", 25, 1};
burst = 6;
minRange = 100;
minRangeProbab = 0.3;
midRange = 400;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 600;
maxRangeProbab = 0.3;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;

class AI_Automatic3 : Base_AI_Automatic {
reloadTime = 0.11;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\50cal", 25, 1};
burst = 4;
minRange = 600;
minRangeProbab = 0.3;
midRange = 800;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 1000;
maxRangeProbab = 0.3;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 1000;


class VTE_Mounted_M60 : VTE_BaseVehicleMgun {
displayName = "$STR_VTE_DISPLAYNAME_MountedM60";
optics = 1;
maxLeadSpeed = 500;
magazineReloadTime = 5;
flashSize = 0.9;
magazines[] = {"VTE_Mounted_200Rnd_762x51", "VTE_Mounted_500Rnd_762x51"};
modes[] = {"manual", "AI_Automatic", "AI_Automatic2", "AI_Automatic3", "AI_Automatic4","AI_Automatic5", "AI_Automatic6"};

class manual : Base_Manual_Automatic {
reloadtime = 0.093;
soundContinuous = 0;
soundBurst = 0;
showToPlayer = 1;
minRange = 1;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 5;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 10;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M601shot", 19, 1};

class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M605shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 5;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 100;
minRange = 10;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 50;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 100;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
showToPlayer = 0;


class AI_Automatic2 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M603shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 6;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 150;
minRange = 100;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 125;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 150;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic3 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M607shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 7;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 200;
minRange = 150;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 200;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 200;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic4 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M603shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 3;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 250;
minRange = 200;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 220;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 250;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;


class AI_Automatic5 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M6010shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 10;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 350;
minRange = 250;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 300;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 350;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;


class AI_Automatic6 : Base_AI_Automatic {
sound[] = {"\xsound\weapons\M6015shot", 19, 1};
soundBurst = 1;
burst = 15;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
minRange = 350;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 500;
midRangeProbab = 0.4;
maxRange = 600;
maxRangeProbab = 0.01;



class VTE_RaiderCannons : M168 {

burst = 4;
multiplier = 1;
reloadTime = 0.06;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 600;
minRange = 300;
minRangeProbab = 0.1;
midRange = 500;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 1200;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
dispersion = 0.01;
sound[] = {"\vte_sounds\MGburst4shot", 15, 1};
soundburst = 1;


Fixed f105 8 rnd mag had only 6 bombs.

class VTE_8Rnd_MK82 : VTE_4Rnd_MK82 {
count = 8;


class VTE_B52_Mk82Rail : VTE_MK82Rail {

modes[] = {"AllClose", "Single", "Full", "All"};

( this is for dofire type commands to work good. :) )

(New bis bomb thats not being used!!)

class VTE_MK82 : VTE_BaseLaserBombCore {

model = "\ca\air\mk82.p3d";
proxyshape = "\ca\air\mk82.p3d";


new value for all bombs

soundFly[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\bombfall.wss", 0.0000562341, 1.4};


Replace this-

sound[] = {"\VTE_sounds\weapons\zuni.wav", 8, 1.1};

with this -

sound[] = {"\VTE_sounds\weapons\zuni", 7, 1.1};

And drop in new sound.Old file was not in correct format- i.e 22000/16bit/mono .wss


That's it for now.There's more to come but i that'l do for now. :)
Posts: 196
Joined: 2006-04-02 20:42:57
Location: Belgium

Post by NeF »

They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "Fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
Snake Man
Posts: 9755
Joined: 2000-07-31 22:01:01
Gaming Interests: ArmA, ArmA 2, Falcon 4.0 and OFP.
Editing Interests: All, I (try) to edit everything.
Location: PMC

Post by Snake Man »

Development continues, alot of fixes has been made. At the moment VTE is bit unstable, unbinarized its 3.5gb and wont even run on my machine. However the binarized version now with the unused textures still in the dirs weights 2.5gb. Much work is to be done before she is in release condition.

Here is todays changelog:

Code: Select all

--- fixes: ?
- added ammo to weapon boxes and weapons for ammo boxes.
- added Anzac SAS Steve tweaked napalm.sqf script.
- added Anzac SAS Steve made ch47 engine sound.
- added Anzac SAS Steve made ch34 engine sound.
- added Anzac SAS Steve made uh1 engine sound.
- added Anzac SAS Steve made ah1 engine sound.
- added Anzac SAS Steve ambient insect tweaks.
- tweaked rocket_fly1 sound volumes.
- aifire rates tweaked for VTE_WPRocketPod.
- various burst values changed for VTE_RPodLauncher.
- various burst values changed for ah1 m134.
- new sound for ah1 m134.
- various burst values changed for raidersuupod.
- various burst values changed for m134.
- new sound for VTE_RaiderSUUPod.
- new sound for m134.
- added several burst changes to M60 doorgun AI fire rates.
- changed huey grenade launcher sound.
- changed m79 grenade launcher sound.
- changed mg.wss sound level to 14.
- tweaked alot of config values of vte_a4.
- added new sound for vte_a4.
- other shell/bomb/missile cores updated with shellimpact3 sound.
- VTE_BaseLaserBombCore added shellimpact3 sound.
- VTE_BaseLaserBombCore changed sideairFriction = 0.2.
- new cfgenvsounds class meadows sound volume value.
- added new napalm sound bit.
- added new napalm hit values.
- added transport magazines for VTE_m113.
- added transport magazines for VTE_m113acav.
- replaced vte_m113acav track sounds.
- added transport magazines for VTE_m48.
- replaced vte_m48 sounds with new engine and track sounds.
- replaced zuni sound volume with level 5.
- new values for vte_20mmcannon.
- added transport magazines for VTE_m551.
- changed tracks sounds for M113.
- created library info for M113.
- added m113 as placeholder m113 ammunition vehicle.
- added m113 as placeholder m113 maintenance vehicle.
- added transport magazines for VTE_uh1guns.
- added transport magazines for VTE_uh1gs.
- typicalcargo vte_oh6a fix.
- added transport magazines for vte_oh6a.
- added transport magazines for vte_ch47.
- new transportmagazines value 200 for vte_ch47.
- new supply radius for vte_ch47.
- new engine sound for ch34 from Anzac Steve.
- added transport magazines for vte_ch34.
- typicalcargo vte_ch34 fix.
- added transport magazines for vte_uh1.
- typicalcargo vte_uh1 fix.
I'm looking ways to get the SVN developer version into our dedicated MP server so we can test the actual edits and not just play "for fun" with the 06-24-08 piece of shit version. The problem is that I have no way remotely transfer/pbo-pack the SVN version into our server, I have to physically upload the pbos from my machine and that will take a good day I'd say.

Anyways, PMC sekret codelabs are in hard at work to make ArmA Vietnam experience that much better, dont worry, next version is coming along and it will be the best release so far.
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Snake Man
Posts: 9755
Joined: 2000-07-31 22:01:01
Gaming Interests: ArmA, ArmA 2, Falcon 4.0 and OFP.
Editing Interests: All, I (try) to edit everything.
Location: PMC

Post by Snake Man »

New version of VTE is progressing very nicely, we are now definitely near to the finish line.

What does that mean, well all the textures have been merged now, if there is any texture merging left, its by accident (rare, as I went through the list from dir *.p3d>textfile), or that there is some merging problem. The config has been tweaked, with the help of Jinef from Zeus I finally got rid of the last 2 errors in binarize (was from CfgMovesMaleSdr class), thanks goes out to Jinef for helping. Many bugs have been fixed, few weapons added etc.

There is still work to do. I just changed the aircraft air launched weapons into proxy ones and that work is still underway. Proxys in aircrafts means that when we have model of A1 Skyraider for example, the model is the basic aircraft with bombs and all the crap. Well now I cut off the weapons like drop fuel tanks, napalm bombs and gun pod from the plane model, we already had pretty much all the bombs as individual models dating from OFP VTE (ie vte_aw air weapons), but now I finished it with the fuel tanks, rocket pods and the F4's M61 Vulcan gun pod. So now I added the weapons back into the A1 Skyraider using proxys, proxy is just an ArmA modeling uhm feature, a triangle in the 3d model what ArmA engine then uses to call the "linked" another 3d model, which in our case for example if vte_wpn\models\veh\vte_mk74.p3d which ingame is the cool MK-74 napalm fire bomb. Now ingame when you fly, you see the napalm cannisters under the wings and when you press fire button, one of the bombs is dropped without any scripting. Only drawback of this is that we cannot add what I believe is several different weapon types like missiles + rockets + bombs, you can read more about aircraft weapon proxys in this topic.

Also I'm glad to announce that the big bad motherfucker ACH-47A gunship is now pretty much completely fixed regarding turrets not working. There is only few sight alignment tweaks and gun orientation at mission start problems, but those arent bad and I'm hoping to tweak them too. Right now all the guns work normally when moving mouse, ie aft gun is not inverted with movement anymore, aft gun and others have proper gunner view, so if you press V view sights, you bring up the M2 front sight to your eye level and can shoot accurately. This helo is real killer now. I still need to add the front seat gunner with the sights for the grenade launcher, I think the .50cal's and FFAR's should be controlled by pilot, but dunno.

There is now civilians, black pyjama civies with bare heads and rice hats, no more BIS ACU soldiers. Only placeholders left are some MIKE soldiers I think.

Recoils have been tweaked, I used ACE as guide and they are pretty much the same now as I really dont have any knowledge to tweak the recoils. We need a recoil guy, if anyone is interested we would appreciate the help.

The weapons still need bit of tweaking as many of them have the sight alignment problem, where you aim to spot X and gun actually fires completely different location. I already fixed the pistols somewhat, but rifles are still to do.

Since the last post in this topic, I fixed all the unbinarized and unstable errors. Naturally VTE runs binarized and without ingame errors now again.

Anyways, I'm trying to move towards the next release so we can play on the server with the new stuff. I'm feeling around the overall status of the mod whether to put out the next release quietly, even directly asking news sites NOT to post anything about the release. I'm kind of happy that no snapperheads have posted anything to BIS forums about the 06-24-08 release, which is kind of weird actually as its been on news etc heh. But yeah maybe I'll do the next release really quietly as I have no urge to get masses bitching about this and that. And at the same time I'm looking into ways how to update our dedicated server from the SVN version, right now I have no way to do that except to upload the whole mod by myself which really isnt suitable for weekly or daily updates.

Anough for now, back to editing, I have some fuel tanks to replace in A6 intruder ... ;)
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Post by The-Architect »

I noticed that my Huey rotor mast spins on engine start but the rotors do not. They go ful on when full on but not during start up.

VC textures seem flat.

A6 looks really blocky from a distance. It still bounces.

Guns on all boats don't work right. Sitting positions on boats need sorting out.

I think the Stoner can be heard all accross the map when fires. I think it's the Stoner anyway. Stoner cannot be fired on auto with any accuracy.

VC Sniper sights don't work. When I aim with it it fires about a foot higher than aimed. I think you mentioned that problem.

I thin you should also DL that bamboo trap from Flashpoint days and covert it for us.

Maybe more. I'll mention if I remember.
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Post by anzacsas »

I have just received permission for VTE From Sudden Death ,to use the SDP_Vehcles scripts that add the second gun to the vehicles that have only one gun but need 2 or 3or 4.

[Quote (ANZACSAS Steve @ Sep. 04 2008,08:02)
Hi m8,

Is me again.It seems that some very talented modders have beaten me to the RACS
On another note,I/We would like to use your scripts for VTE.

I was wondering if VTE could include your scripts in the next release for the added guns .

With full credit being given to you of course.

Steve. ]

[no problem.


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Post by Snake Man »

Eh, script? What vehicles need more weapons right now besides maybe the CH-34 (which btw I'm planning on adding a doorgun)?
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Post by anzacsas »

I am suprised your asking this snakeman as i just spoke to you regarding this.

Uh1 gunship,
A1 skyraider come to mind immediately.
Each of these units should have at least two streams of gunfire coming from their modeled weapons.

Do you know the weapon scripts i am talking about?
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Post by Snake Man »

SDP_Vehcles scripts that add the second gun to the vehicles that have only one gun
Thats what you said. I had no idea you meant the bullets coming out of two muzzles. Nevemind then.

No I dont know the scripts. You can PM me the details.
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Post by Snake Man »

The infantry weapons (small arms) have now been fixed. When you grab a rifle or pistol in next VTE release, it will be aligned properly (close enough with the ArmA soldier anim hand positions) and will shoot the position at crosshairs. Very enjoyable.

T55 and P76 turrets are fixed, however there is still one more clitch to iron out. Work is underway for LSSC and PBR turrets, but there is some problem I cant figure out.

Next big thing to try is to delete all the unused OFP textures, in theory I should be able to just delete them all, but who knows how the whole mod comes together that if there is then some icon images missing etc.

Also I noticed horrific problem, the main rifles used in VTE; M16A1 and AK47... but have last resolution LOD to like 500 points. That is absolutely unacceptable for models which are used so much in the missions. This have to be fixed before next release. I'll also run through all the other small arms to check there is no bad LODs left. They all go to below 100 for next release.
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Post by NeF »

Snake Man wrote:The infantry weapons (small arms) have now been fixed. When you grab a rifle or pistol in next VTE release, it will be aligned properly (close enough with the ArmA soldier anim hand positions) and will shoot the position at crosshairs.
They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "Fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
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Post by Snake Man »

Now I'm finally glad to announce that all the tanks turrets are perfectly working, you can aim turret left right up down and everything works as it should. Cannon and machine guns fire fine. Now the tanks are real threat or asset depending on your position.

The boats are also fixed, LSSC has its mounted M60 working and firing as expected. PBR has its .50cal working properly. The boat weapon sights arent the best possible ones, but they'll have to do now, you can aim and shoot targets with them so thats good enough.

Also bunch of mines get into the magazines today, there is still alot of work to script them properly, but I'm happy that we have the models in now.
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Post by anzacsas »

Hi ya's,

Just thought i'd post a cupple wip pics of something Snake Man and i are working on.

[IMG] ... s/arma2008


[IMG] ... s/arma2008


[[IMG] ... as/arma200


[IMG] ... as/arma200


[[IMG] ... as/arma200


[IMG] ... s/arma2008


These screen shots are in RIJ and Quan Bin Son.
They are are in trial stage atm and we'll post when there is something ready to test.
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Post by NeF »

looks very nice !!!!
They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "Fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
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Post by Snake Man »

Good work.

Maybe we need to try to make few single object triple canopy's to see how they play out.
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Post by The-Architect »

Triple canopy won't work uless you figure out where the default flyinheight code is hidden.

The init/script flinheight command is too unstable.
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Post by Snake Man »

Triple canopy has nothing to do with helicopters crashing into trees. Its like saying "Cars are the number one cause of car crashes." makes no sense even though everyone knows what you mean by that.

Its the height of the canopy, naturally I wouldnt make 50m tall trees.
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Post by NeF »

I had some MP on new maps, and .....I'm happy :twisted: It feels good. Is it possible to make all trees "destroyable" so we can make an LZ where ever we want ? :p
They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "Fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
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Post by Snake Man »

The problem with knocking down trees is that they just fall down, they dont disappear. I dont know if there is way to make them disappear completely, perhaps with the rtm anims but not sure. So if you knock down 100 trees, you get piles and piles of trees sideways on the ground preventing you to see anything.


Right now I'm binarizing the current SVN version and then I'll be doing final tests before that version will be uploaded for private testing on MP. I'm going to pimp that for few selected guys who have proven their activity on MP server, if anyone else wants to join and help test it, feel free to PM (or email) me asking about it. But dont bother if you're not capable of heavy testing and providing feedback.

This will be testing before the next release, to make sure it will be the best possible so far. There are still many issues I want to fix, to some which I even need some help. By having bunch of people test this in MP would hopefully catch all annoying bugs some joe users would otherwise catch after the release.
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Post by Snake Man »

I just started to binarize current SVN version of VTE, this will take hours what I recall from last binarization with clear temp dir checked in binpbo :)

There is still issues like just forgetting B52 model with the sharp edges/faces or whatever it is, also some other planes I think have this (Birddog I already fixed), mines wont work at all, well they are placeholders, I need some config help for them... things like that.

However, this is just incredible leap forward in VTE development, I cant even begin to list all the changes made...

This version will be privately tested in our MP dedicated server first and then public release. If someone is seriously interested of testing & providing feedback, PM or email me about wanting to help.
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Post by Snake Man »

VTE runs good enough for the private testing version.

Its now rarred up... to a 1gb (yes, giga fucking byte) sized rar :lol:

I just started to upload it and with my single digit rates its going to take like two days to UL. When its done, I'm going to ugrade PMC Tactical server with it to MP sessions and to give it out to few selected hardcore VTE fans to test on. Then there will be testing on MP and fixing as many bugs as possible, HOWEVER I am not going to sink into the bottomless hole of fixing everything we discover, I'll just fix the stuff that is critical or causes the most annoying issues in MP. After enough time has been spend testing, I'll rar up the whole stuff and upload it all over again for public release.

Oh man I feel relief, three months I worked my ass off to get it to this point. Uuh. :P
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Post by Snake Man »

Upload complete, VTE alpha release candidate 1 is ready.
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Post by anzacsas »

Sounds Great :) .

Send over a link and i'l start the d'load.

Btw,Snake Man i have tried to send you a pm but it hasnt showed up as sent.
Have you received a message in regards to MDSZ?
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Post by Snake Man »

I have some PM's waiting for me right now which I havent read yet, but so far I have not received it.
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Post by Popa »

Hello Snake,

My name is Popa from the Guerillas Of Liberation clan. We have been following the mod for a long time waiting for a release that was stable enough to enjoy as a large group playing on MP. If i am reading this thread correctly, you said the next release will be released quietly.

Are you releasing this version only to a select few people? Will our clan be able to download and try it out?
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Post by Snake Man »

hi Popa.
Are you releasing this version only to a select few people?
Well at the moment the Alpha Release Candidate 1 is out for selected few people, the public release was meant to be quiet in the sense that no news for main sites or BIS forum topics.
Will our clan be able to download and try it out?
Yes sure if you guys try to provide some feedback and bug reports. I mean VTE is very much focused on MP and what greater way to make it even better than to let professional MP guys to give it a test run.

At the moment I would like to fix few more things, which arent necessarily critical bugs but very visible ones. Then I would give out the rc2 for testing.

Yes we have the current rc1 up and ready to download, but as I said there is few if not many, known bugs to me which you guys most definitely would report back here or get annoyed with... so I'd really like to fix them before giving it out for heavy testing.
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Post by Snake Man »

Today Q came to me with bit of info, which lead solution for floating objects.



All I can say is I'm so overwhelmed with reflief that we can still use the 50m jungle / grass blocks with VTE, I cant thank Q and The-F enough.

More details on Floating 50m forest blocks / flying trees topic.
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Post by Frantz »

Great news ! Kudos to Q ! :)
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Post by NeF »

thanks fellas, it was needed ;)
They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "Fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!
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Post by The-Architect »

Dude, can you PM me the link to the new release?
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Post by Popa »

Hi again,

I sent an e-mail to you snake but received no reply so i presume you never got it. Im also having trouble with PM's so i'll just quote my e-mail here.
Hi Snakeman,

My name is Popa from the Guerillas Of Liberation clan. I made a post in your Dev Diary on your forums about my clan testing the Alpha Release Candidate 1. I've talked to my clan leader and he has given the go ahead to arrange some way that we can download the mod and start testing ASAP.

We are an active clan with 29 members from all over europe who play as a mature tactical minded group of players. We always say its the journey, not the destination. We have many members who do part-time mission making, modeling and texturing so we will be well suited to finding any bugs.

From your response on the forums i gather that you are ok with us trying out the mod in its latest form. What i need now from you is a download link and any other information regarding the state of the mod.

Thanks again for this opportunity.

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Post by Snake Man »

Yeah nowadays my email connection is so painfully slow that I dont check it everyday, sorry about that. Thanks for emailing, I just replied you back.
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Post by Snake Man »

I've started to pack the Alpha Release Candidate 2 now.

I am not happy with it, yes it's got some real nice fixes for RC1, even many of those reported nasty bugs, but still... I'm not happy with it, there would be so much more to do before the real alpha (beyond rc2).

The problem is that even though at RC1 release point I denied it... I am absolutely and completely burnt out for VTE editing. Period.

So now I'm putting out the RC2 for testers and as with RC1, when I was only going to fix the most urgent bugs, I'm tightening the noose now and with RC2 I'm only going to fix showstoppers (error on screen, crashes or something like this). There are many placeholder models like mines and arty, I wont be touching those (unless someone helps me out).

Latest fixes? Well let me see...

Code: Select all

- ah1g grenades on this chopper make no sound on detonation, fixed.
- uh1dustoff rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- uh1guns rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- s56mg rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ch34_sog rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ch34 rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- b52 model edges were not smooth, fixed.
- birddog rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ach47a rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ah1j rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ah1g rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- ch47 rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- oh6arg rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- oh6a rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- uh1gs rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- uh101 rotorblade alpha channel texture artifacts fixed.
- added 70mm rockets ammo model into vte_wpn.
- added m136 ammo model into vte_wpn.
- added pg7 ammo model into vte_wpn.
- added shell ammo model into vte_wpn.
- viet minh is a west soldier, fixed.
- arvn rifleman m14 had no ammo and had radio, fixed.
- mosin scope isn't see through, fixed.
- m45 mag is configured as pistol ammo, fixed.
- canopy editing, more villages and tweaks for 25km prototype terrain.
- major overhaul for ia drang terrain, dirt roads fixed, plei me base, etc.
- added vte_outhouse, outhouse object + textures (used in ia drang terrain).
- replaced outdated loading images with brand new ones from Sgt.Elias.
- ch47 has open bomb bay doors action menu, changed to back ramp.
- ach47 has open bomb bay doors action menu, removed.
- added aircav medic model (sort of).
- created one more low res LOD for aircav_rto. its now below 100 polys.
- created new aircaf_rfl2 model without the machete.
- created one more low res LOD for aircav_rfl. its now below 100 polys.
- created two new USMC soldiers just for the helmet decor differences.
- added new updated gear for USMC soldier.
- tweaked USMC soldier helmet no to include the inner frame.
Thats just a small snippet at the top of what feels like the longest changelog in history of VTE.

I definitely take a break from VTE editing as from this moment (after the binarization is complete), then when testers have tested rc2 and we have played some MP, I'll prepare the final alpha (oh man do I hope we don't need rc3).

I re-touch the call for help; VTE needs modeler and texturer, beta testers and any "support" anyone can share. If its screenshots, missions, feedback, anything. If you like this mod, get involved. Everyone who's willing to help is welcome to do so. Even if you're not (that) skilled, get involved anyway, you'd be amazed what dedicated person can do and we can also teach you with our wiki and any answered questions you might throw at us.

Anyways, binarization is underway, then comes uploading. Expect to see download links (privately, you have to ask for those, same as rc1) in about two days depending on my upload speed.

Get ready for Vietnam: The Experience, Alpha Release Candidate Two.
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Post by Popa »

Thanks for all the work put into this mod Snakeman. I speak on behalf of the entire -{GOL}- clan when i say we love this mod and will continue our support of this mod by beta testing the shite out of it.

We are all willing and able for testing out RC2 when it is released if that is ok with you.
Last edited by Popa on 2008-10-10 18:08:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The-Architect »

I have 5 really good quality mission finished with several ones to go in between as well. All in all about 10 missions.

I'm hoping to beef it up further before release but I seriously need voice actors who do an American accent. Without them, there wil be no release. :(
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Post by banana »

We have a MPK finished



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Post by Snake Man »

VTE Alpha Release Candidate 2 is now ready for private testing. If you are interested of testing and understand that this is private just for you (and your team/clan), send me a private message here or email me to pmc at pmctactical dot org address.
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Post by banana »

Yesterday in the jungle


/Textures not done yet/

Included in RC3
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Post by anzacsas »

Hiya Banana,

I think your work is very nice.Tanks for getting involved.

Very happy to have a talented modeler/texture guy working on VTE.

Keen to see what else you come up with.
Thanks again m8.

Ron and Steve.

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