Medicine Man Mission Problems

Campaign using BIS standard units

Moderators: Snake Man, Lone Wolf

Posts: 6
Joined: 2002-10-01 16:53:41

Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by SaskiasImp »

I am having trouble with the "Medicine Man" mission. The wounded soldier cannot be healed or killed so the mission is not possible to complete. I even captured a vehicle but cannot load him inside. Once my medic tries to heal him (which he seems to do without command) the medic is uncontrolable. He will continualy go through the motions of healing even as he constantlly moves away from the patient. (btw even a satchel charge will not kill them at this point)

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by Snake_Man »

Hmm this is interesting, I've never heard that before.

What version of OFP are you running?

Have you tried several times to fully restart the mission?
Posts: 6
Joined: 2002-10-01 16:53:41

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by SaskiasImp »

The first time I did the mission I made many many attempts from saved games. Since nothing i tried worked doing that I restarted from scratch once and encountered the same problems and aborted. So its been 2 real games only(although many hours spent on the first attempt).
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Joined: 2002-10-01 16:53:41

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by SaskiasImp »

How do I tell my current version? I upgaded Operation Flashpoint to either 1.42 or 1.47 (from memory 1.47 but can't be sure) then I installed Flashpoint Resistance later. I play the game from the Flaspoint Resistance icon and it says version 1.75 of Operation Resistance when the game starts.

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by Snake_Man »

Can you tell me what is the last radio message you hear when you enter into the spec ops camp in the woods?

Yes your OFP version is the "Resistance" which is v1.75 - that mission have not been tested on v1.75 but I see no reason why it would not run on it.

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by Snake_Man »

OK tested the mission myself on v1.75 and indeed there is some changed function for the units health. When v1.46 makes the unit injured, the 1.75 makes dead :)

Try out this edited version of the mission files:

Installation: unzip that into the CampaignsPMC_Fury.abelmissions_33_medicine_man.Eden directory, let it overwrite the mission.sqm and meeting.sqs files. At least I remember thats the dir name ;)

Now the spec ops should NOT die on the mission start, but now it also can happen that when you get inserted in the beach and your medic jumps out of the chopper, the spec ops guy starts to run into the beach. Oh well, try it and see if you can pass it now.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2002-10-01 16:53:41

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by SaskiasImp »

Thanks, I'll try that right now. :)
Posts: 6
Joined: 2002-10-01 16:53:41

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by SaskiasImp »

That patched mission did the trick nicely. Was able to complete the mission easily now. Thanks for the help.
Posts: 9
Joined: 2002-10-07 13:27:01

Re: Medicine Man Mission Problems

Post by ufo_hk »

Patched mission worked for me too.


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