Hidden Enemy

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Hidden Enemy

Post by Bigpickle » 2008-02-15 16:25:00

Hey all this is gonna be my first mission for VTE and ArmA too as a matter of fact. (So gimmi a break if its shit :wink: )

I have been beavering away to try to find what makes a nam simulation...

Air Support .... Arty .... Tons Of Hueys .... Loads of Vc .... Period Music ....
the list goes on, so... i set about trying my best to make a mission with as much of the nam gamers wish list that i could.

Not gonna spoil it for you but i am using some wonderful scripts by various ppl so permission will be sought before release.

Once Fully Tested I will release a beta version, as i want to continually add to the mission to make it like a Tour Of Duty with multiple missions ....... ooops saying to much already :wink:


Will post a Video link soon, where is good to host a small vid ?

Aussie Dave
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Post by Aussie Dave » 2008-02-15 23:52:47

sounds good

try http://www.youtube.com/
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Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man » 2008-02-16 05:54:09

One note, you dont need permissions to use scripts, I mean especially if the scripts are available somewhere to download, also if the scripts are in some mission, for lets say Kiljoys Evolution, the SAS guys here use the rain scripts directly from it and I bet they never seek any permissions, same goes for me, I use some function routines from Evolution and never even considered requesting permissions for those... scripts arent like addons where you need permissions. Scripts are like common good for missions. You learn from them, sometimes even just copy pasting from them.

Yes of course you should credit all original script writers in the ending/readme credits, but to go out arm and leg to seek out permissions... no.
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Post by anzacsas » 2008-02-17 14:38:40

[lets say Kiljoys Evolution, the SAS guys here use the rain scripts directly from it and I bet they never seek any permissions]

Snake man,

the rain,repair,vrs and tlgr scripts are freely available from the various websites.

If you bothered to look around for these scripts before writing an incorrect and insulting post you would see for yourself they are everywhere, and have been for a long time.

I really cannot believe you posted this insulting assumption.After flamming me wronglyfully just the other week for "spreading rumours and stuff" , here you are doing it blatanly as if to arouse some sort of reaction.

After all the free time, help my brother and i have given you.......

Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man » 2008-02-17 23:14:09

Insulting? Somebody woke up today with the wrong foot or what, so I guess I'm insulting myself also as I listed myself same as you :lol:

Dude, you need to relax.

That example of the rain script was just the first that popped into my mind, I could have used anyone else that uses scripts written by someone else.

Oh btw if you take issue with this, send me a private message, PMC Tactical is not like the other forums where offtopic/unecessary posts are welcome.
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