
ArmA editing, missions, modeling, textures, terrains

Moderators: Lone Wolf, Snake Man

Posts: 36
Joined: 2007-10-03 07:51:32


Post by Bigpickle » 2008-02-12 20:27:48

Hey all i been busy trying to make some missions for VTE to post onto the forum for peeps to try out, but im having problems with trying to make certain things happen, such as trying to get aircraft to attack targets and buildings, and choppers to either flyin pickup troops and carry on a set route to drop off, or wait for troops to board then fly to a drop off ? anyone got any ideas or if theres a real basic tute on how to make put this stuff in the mission editor. ( i followed to one from the manual but it doesnt work)

***edit, just seen another post talking about part of my problem,hopefully i can get the script to work, sorry snake..blind is me :oops:, if i use a script in the mission, do others who play have to possess those scripts or when the level loads on the server does it give all who join that script? *****

Snake Man
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Joined: 2000-07-31 22:01:01
Gaming Interests: ArmA, ArmA 2, Falcon 4.0 and OFP.
Editing Interests: All, I (try) to edit everything.
Location: PMC

Re: Missions

Post by Snake Man » 2008-02-13 02:40:01

Bigpickle wrote:Hey all i been busy trying to make some missions for VTE to post onto the forum
You need to have web hosting server to put the missions for download. You cant put them into the forum software here.
to get aircraft to attack targets and buildings
Use the search and destroy waypoint, if you want the aircraft to loiter over the area indefinitely attacking every enemy it encounters, use the cycle waypoint on top (or very near) of the search and destroy waypoint.

AI wont attack buildings, sorry.
choppers to either flyin pickup troops and carry on a set route to drop off, or wait for troops to board then fly to a drop off ?
You need to assign the group to the helo which you want to transport, usually by:

Code: Select all

{[_x] assignasCargo _helo;[_x] orderGetIn true;} foreach units group this;
And then you can just use the helos transport unload command to drop them off.
if i use a script in the mission, do others who play have to possess those scripts or when the level loads on the server does it give all who join that script?
All missions are stand alone, users dont need any other scripts.
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Posts: 36
Joined: 2007-10-03 07:51:32

Post by Bigpickle » 2008-02-13 08:14:12

thanx ever so much sm, :lol: maybe one day i'll make a post in the right forum, sorry to be a pain in the a##

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