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Dev scripts I use

Posted: 2009-12-03 16:24:33
by T_Rex
If anyone is interested, I have a series (continually in development) of scripts I use to dev stuff. Most of them are quite simple, but I can post the code if you are interested.

I. Mission testing
- these initiate an internal camera from an addaction
- usage - initiate addaction, then mapclick, then it selects the nearest unit for the internal camera
- these initiate a remote free camera from an addaction
- usage - initiate addaction, then mapclick, then it selects the nearest object to start a free camera
- these spawn a UH-1Y from an addaction
- usage - initiate addaction, then mapclick, then it selects an appropriate area to spawn a UH-1Y
- simple script, from an addaction, to teleport to location of mapclick

II. Mission functions
- normalizes a number to a 0-360 degree reference
- selects a random position from a center point, optionally in a specific direction
- selects random vector within offset from given vector
- spawns random group from specified faction at specified position from config type

I'll post the code to this last one - it is pretty slick, if I do say so myself.

Code: Select all

by Trexian

Purpose: spawn a random group from specified config types at specified location.

Implementation: from a call.

Spooner's config posts -
DM for math


Elements received:
0 = position (pos array)
1 = faction (Str faction) - default is CIV
2 = type (String or Array of strings)?  Maybe just array

spawned group

Version history
01a -
proof of concept



private ["_pos", "_faction", "_types", "_cfgGroups", "_side", "_cfgPath", "_grpPath", "_i", "_class", "_groupR", "_ret"];

// get initial stuff
_pos = _this select 0;
_faction = _this select 1;
_types = _this select 2;

_cfgGroups = [];
// error checking -- need to make sure types are valid?
if !(_faction in ["USMC", "CDF", "RU", "INS", "GUE", "CIV"]) then
	_faction = "CIV";  // spawns civ if faction is invalid

if (count _types == 0) then
	_types = ["Infantry"];	// defaults to infantry if nothing specified

// set up config path

switch (_faction) do 
	case "USMC":
  _side = west;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "West";
	case "CDF":
  _side = west;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "West";
	case "RU":
  _side = east;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "East";
	case "INS":
  _side = east;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "East";
	case "GUE":
  _side = resistance;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "Guerilla";
	case "CIV":
  _side = civilian;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "Civilian";
  _side = civilian;
  _cfgPath = configFile >> "cfgGroups" >> "Civilian";

// Compile pool of the types
	//Find all groups defined for various subtypes.
	_grpPath = _cfgPath >> _faction >> _x;
//diag_log text format ["path = %1", _grpPath];
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count _grpPath) - 1) do 
  _class = _grpPath select _i;
  //Only take actual classes.
  if (isClass (_class)) then 
  	_cfgGroups = _cfgGroups + [_class];
} forEach _types;

//diag_log text format ["count types = %1", count _cfgGroups];

_groupR = _cfgGroups call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_ret = [_pos, _side, _groupR, [], [], [], []] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
// return the groupInfo, which should represent the names of the various groups
So, if in a script I have (having already preprocessed the function):
_groupR = [_pos, "INS", ["Infantry", "Motorized", "Mechanized"]] call JTD_fnc_rGrp;

It will spawn a random group of Insurgent infantry, motorized, or mechanized groups. :)

Re: Dev scripts I use

Posted: 2010-08-19 06:58:30
by Snake Man
T_Rex wrote:If anyone is interested, I have a series (continually in development) of scripts I use to dev stuff. Most of them are quite simple, but I can post the code if you are interested.
I am interested :)

Would be great if you could post the scripts here. If you do, when you write the bbcodes into forum, you can use:


inside the [ ] things, that puts the code block into PHP syntax highlighting thing, its very nice to read.

Re: Dev scripts I use

Posted: 2010-08-19 13:15:47
by T_Rex
Ok, been awhile since I've looked at these, so some may need updating, but they work for me. :) These all require you, in a mission init or unit init, to create addactions that reference the init scripts.

Like in the mission init, I usually have something like:

Code: Select all

// @@ dev addactions
_JTD_teleport = player addAction ["teleport", "JTD_teleport.sqf","",10,false,false,""];
_JTD_intCam = player addAction ["Sel int cam", "JTD_intCamInit.sqf","",10,false,false,""];
_JTD_remCam = player addAction ["Remote cam", "JTD_remCamInit.sqf","",10,false,false,""];
_JTD_heloCall = player addAction ["Helo call", "JTD_heloCallInit.sqf","",10,false,false,""];

onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;";
// end dev addactions
Spawns a helo on a mapclick-
Init - is referenced in an addaction

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Ver. history
proof of concept

use mapclick for center, but use findEmptyPosition to actually place

automagically open map

titleText["Select location for helo", "PLAIN"];

//open map
openMap true;

onMapSingleClick "[_pos] execVM 'JTD_heloCall.sqf'; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
The actual spawning:

Code: Select all

Ver. history
proof of concept

use mapclick for center, but use findEmptyPosition to actually place

close map?

_pos = _this select 0;

_loc = _pos findEmptyPosition [20, 100, "UH1Y"];
hint format ["loc %1", _loc];
sleep 1;
    _helo = 'UH1Y' createVehicle _loc;
    _helo setDir (random 360);
// added to close the map
These 2 are pretty cool camera scripts.
Remote camera:

Code: Select all

titleText["Select Position for Remote Camera", "PLAIN"];
//open map
openMap true;
onMapSingleClick "[_pos] execVM 'JTD_remCam.sqf'; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
camera create

Code: Select all

private ["_pos", "_unitPL", "_list", "_cam"];

_pos = _this select 0;

_unitPL = player;
_list = nearestObjects [[_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], [], 50];
_cam = _list select 0;
//hint format ["CAMERA %1 %2", _cam, count _list];
_cam exec 'camera.sqs';
Camera that is actually the internal camera for AI near the mapclick:

Code: Select all

titleText["Select Internal Cam Position", "PLAIN"];
// try to close the map?

// _JTD_intCam = player addAction ["Sel int cam", "JTD_internalCam.sqf","",10,false,false,""];

// can return "_unit"?  That's the units selected by the player from his group
// _manlist = (player) nearEntities [["Man"], 1000];
//tweak nearEntities radius
new idea:
From the onMapSingleClick, trigger a new sqf.
In that one, waituntil (inputaction "v") then transfer back to the player internal.
//open map
openMap true;
onMapSingleClick "[_pos] execVM 'JTD_intCam.sqf'; onMapSingleClick ''; true;";
camera create

Code: Select all

private ["_pos", "_list", "_cam"];

_pos = _this select 0;

_list = nearestObjects [_pos, ["MAN"], 100];
if (count _list > 0) then
    //hint format ["list = %1", _list];
    _cam = _list select 0;
    _cam switchCamera "INTERNAL";
    // hit 0 or buldozer camera reset to exit
    waitUntil {inputAction "buldResetCamera" > 0};
    player switchCamera "INTERNAL";
Are you interested in the group spawning stuff, too?

Re: Dev scripts I use

Posted: 2010-08-19 13:29:24
by Snake Man
Looking good, thanks for posting those.

Hmm what ground spawning, wasn't it already there in first post or you mean something else?

Re: Dev scripts I use

Posted: 2010-08-19 13:42:50
by T_Rex
Oh yeah, I played around with spawning groups of units, and vehicles. But, that was somewhat redundant of the BIS function that spawns groups, too. :)