CAA1 final release thoughts from Q/kju

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Snake Man
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CAA1 final release thoughts from Q/kju

Post by Snake Man » 2010-01-01 03:36:18

I read this interesting news from my RSS, haven't spoken to Q/kju or the-f yet for further details, but wanted to post this news bit as is for now. Here is the quote:
A job that needs as much as helping hands as possible!

This is the final and last release of CAA1.
For the record:

* CAA1 was a 1-man project.
* The spent effort was easily hundreds of hours.
* This project was solely for You and the community.

* My interest is competitive PvP play.
Personally I did not use CAA1 a single time.

* CAA1 did not get any support from Bohemia Interactive.
* This job should have been done by a paid contractor
in the fist place in my humble opinion.

It is sad that despite the lack of good ArmA II campaigns
and SP missions, apart from a few gems, virtually no one
is interested in playing great OFP and ArmA missions
and helping out to polish them.

There will be no more attempts to recruit, teach or support
people in this endeavor. The OAC project is history along with CAA1.

That said my sincere thanks to the following people for
their contribution, support and hard work for Your enjoyment:

* Herr AK for the ArmA I campaign conversion.
* Mopar for, mostly yet unreleased, campaign OFP conversions.
* stun for CWC campaign conversion released for ArmA I.
* luemmel for testing and various support.
* Raptor for designing the OAC page and banner.

* W0lle for his contributions.
* andersson for his improvements.
* HitmanFF for his overall support.
* T_D for coding us various very useful tools.
* mikero for his indispensable tools suite.
* modEmMaik for his excellent efforts to port ArmA vehicles.
* Yoma for his Addon Sync app - without it there would be no CAA1.
* Sickboy for offering his build server and his every day support.
* Dan and Tom providing the their excellent free hosting service at ArmA Creations.
* the-f for spending hundreds of hours into ACEIP/OPFIP and his play-testing.

Thanks to you again!

A few thoughts before signing off:

It is astonishing how ungrateful, lazy and stupid so many people have become.
Without question you are a product of society and what power want you to become.

The almighty consumer without decency and personal responsibility.

It is saddening how many are unable to understand and reflect their own actions and behavior.

Unfortunately companies have outsourced support more and more complete to their customers.
Nowadays smaller game developer companies seem mostly unable to provide this kind of service.

With the more and more common highest levels of expectations to hobby developer work,
and at the same time unwillingness or even inability of new people to get into it or
to spend time for their hobby, I come more and more to the conclusion that this will
ultimately kill of community development in the long run.
Only a change in people's attitude, to compensate hobby developers by donating,
to take time to read the provided documentation and to familiarize with Your hobby,
might be elements to balance the situation somewhat. Time will tell.

Take care. kju closing the door.
Source here.

I find it eerily similar to my own experiences of utter lack of feedback on any PMC releases in ArmA. Yes sure there are few exceptions (for example VTE, its gotten the most feedback) but the rule of thumb is... check out any PMC release forum topic (other forums than here of course) and you'll find 0 replies.

Anyways, so far what I've read from the CAA1 thing, I don't think I'm alone with my experiences/feelings.
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Re: CAA1 final release thoughts from Q/kju

Post by DMarkwick » 2010-01-21 11:24:42

Well, and this is only my impressions of a post of someone I don't really know well, he's ending on a rather preachy and petulant note, he's made himself sound like he's taking his ball home. I mean, I'm sure that's not his intent, but that's how many people are reading it. I don't think he did himself any favours by personalising it like that.

Speaking purely personally, I make addons for me. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't bother. Heck I definitely wouldn't bother. In something like ArmA2 modding, that takes up a lot of time, you got to do it primarily for yourself, to further your own enjoyment of it. That way, your motive remains despite low interest or mixed feedback. I know we at JTD have had mixed feedbacks and low interests in some projects, but really that's not why we do it, we did it for us :)

Also, after a while you start to recognise some members, even the non-modding ones, who regularly crop up and can be depended on for good decent feedback. I feel it's important to filter for relevance and integrity rather than dwell on the negative or non-existent.

Just IMO :)

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