Terrorism Attacks in US

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Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Snake Man » 2001-09-11 15:33:00

Terror attacks hit U.S.
September 11, 2001 Posted: 1457 GMT

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Terrorists struck the United States Tuesday morning in harrowing, widespread attacks that included at least three commercial jet crashes into significant buildings.

• In the first attack, a plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers later collapsed.

• American Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off from Boston. American Airlines told CNN that it lost two planes in "tragic accidents," one leaving Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard, and the second leaving Washington Dulles airport with 58 passengers and six crew aboard. Both planes were en route to Los Angeles

• About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, part of which later collapsed.

• Sources say a second plane was heading toward the Pentagon; F-16 jets were in the air monitoring it.

• The Pentagon, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington evacuated.

• In the first ever national ground stop of aircraft, all flights nationwide have been stopped at their departure airports.

• All international flights were diverted to Canada.

• Israel has evacuated all its missions around the world.

• President Bush cancelled an appearance in Florida to return to Washington, calling the crashes "apparent terrorist attacks" and "a national tragedy."

• In Chicago, the Sears Tower was evacuated; United Nations in New York evacuated.

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated.

• The New York Port Authority said it had closed all bridges and tunnels into the city.

• New York's Bellevue Hospital was designated command central for handling the catastrophe. Several hospitals have already reported receiving victims with burns and head injuries.

• Large plane crashed 80 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but it was unknown if this crash was connected to terrorist attacks.

• U.S. stock markets were closed after the New York attacks.
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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by brewskie » 2001-09-11 16:48:00

Looks like its a retalitory strike by
Saddam and bin laden. This is Gulf War II.

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Widowmaker » 2001-09-11 17:59:00

Terrible tragidy.. :(

I just can't imagine the numbers of lives lost....
lets's hope most of the people came out of the buildings before they collapsed
but I fear the worst.

God bless the souls of those whove passed
in this tragedy..


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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by HotDogOne » 2001-09-11 18:19:00

On behalf of the staff at Hauling Iron, and from the whole of our families, I offer our condolences to all that have lost family and friends in today’s tragic acts of terrorism.

Our thoughts are with all those who perished on this terrible day, to their families and friends, and all that witnessed the event. Our thoughts are also with the members emergency services that now have to deal with this, and are trying their best in such difficult circumstances.

To those who perished today:

May your God(s), whomever they may-be, take you from pain and harm,
May you enter into a place that has no evil,
Our thoughts are with you.

Bryn MacDonald
Stephen French

On a personal note,
I was watching the events on live TV from the UK. It is the first time in my life that I have felt truly hollow, I was speechless as I watched the second plane hit, and I had to close my eyes when the towers collapsed.

Stephen French

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Snake Man » 2001-09-11 18:34:00

I havent feel this sad in many years. I have no words...


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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Snake Man » 2001-09-11 22:16:00

Explosions in Kabul, Afganistan.

Our friends from U.S. ?
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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by ATFS_Dark » 2001-09-11 22:20:00

RELEASE THE MIDEAST TERRAIN! So us virtual pilots can "retailiate" ;-)

I think the Palestinians are very sick people. They dance and cheer as if killing civilians is a good thing.

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by brewskie » 2001-09-12 00:15:00

no those attacks were reported unoffically as
US at first, but confirmed by Defense Secretary Rumsfeld as not US.

As you know i'm only a half hour away from all this, and have been to the WTC several times. Many people i work with have family members that worked in the WTC. Terrible now that its been destroyed by these cowards. I will find out tomorrow if they lost anyone. Those buildings hold 35,000 people but most got out, i believe the count is 2,100 people dead. With the poliferation of tactical nukes it could have been much worse if a ballon went up. I say that because i see a progression here, a pattern, first the WTC was attacked with a truck bomb, caused much damage to the supporting structure. Now today, the complete destruction of all 3 major WTC buildings. Continue the pattern and something even more ominous is yet to come in NYC.

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by ccc » 2001-09-12 00:40:00

Terrible.. :( :(

how can this happen in US?
how can Pentagon leave unprotected from such suicidal attack?
its war now.

God bless the souls passed in this tragedy..
God bless America!

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by 87th_striker » 2001-09-12 05:08:00

Just sad..sad...

Angry later........

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Com_gp » 2001-09-12 09:46:00

Guys, all of this is crazy (and VERY sad), and the worst of all is that hijacking a plane is not hard, they even did it with knifes (from what ive read), so i think more will come sooner or later, i hope the terrorist never get a nuke... that would be the end of the world...
i hope they find the responsible of this and they punish him as hardly as possible


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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by brewskie » 2001-09-15 14:56:00

Dudes it gets worse. The Taleban control afganistan and they are friends of Bin Laden.
They are hardened warriors who fought the Russians. Now, next to these SOB's, is neighboring "nuclear" Pakistan. The Taleban have threatened Pakistan(which is weak) with an attack if they help the US. Can you imagine if the Taleban/Bin Laden bands overun the Pakistan forces and get their hands on Pakistans Nukes? We better get these guys and soon.

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by mrivers » 2001-09-16 03:28:00

My brain got to think'n today. Suppose for a second that Binny managed to seriouslly hurt the U.S.A, incapacitate it; what do you think would Israel do? It seems to me Israel is holding back, due to the 'concerns' of the US.

I suspect life in the ME would pretty much suck.

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Snake Man » 2011-09-11 15:57:33

I can't remember what I did day before yesterday, but I remember September 11th 2001 perfectly clear even now 10 years later.

I will never forget and never forgive...
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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Ed_1 » 2011-09-11 16:04:43

yes, I remember watching the whole mess , towers crumbling an all ,it was covered a lot here in NY and every yr after the attack .

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Re: Terrorism Attacks in US

Post by Snake Man » 2021-09-11 16:09:02

I still remember September 11th 2001 perfectly clear even now 20 years later.

I will never forget and never forgive...
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