Updated ODS L2/O2 package

Operation Desert Storm theater

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Updated ODS L2/O2 package

Post by Sherlock »

Snake Man,
Back when we were working on the AFODS 1.1 patch I manually went through (using TV) and fixed ALL coastlines, bad spots where airstrips/airbases hung out into the water, and I also fixed quite a few of the transitions throughout the theater where 2 or 3 different types of terrain types came together. All in the interests of trying to make things look more realistic. There is quite a bit of my time invested into this so I thought I would offer it up for you to take a look at to see if you can use any of it in the next release of ODS.

http://download210.mediafire.com/ftzz4z ... _L2-O2.zip
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Snake Man
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Post by Snake Man »

As I said all along, we use CATE to build the tiling, ie L2 each time there is changes like new airbase tiles included in v0.6 and so on. When the CATE conf files are finally done to the point that there is nothing more to add or tweak, then we take the produced L2 and hand tile any remaining errors.

That was what you did here, the problem is you did too much, you said you fixed all transitions, well this is too much to put into the L2C export files, actually I'm hoping to fix all major transition tiling error from the bitmap etc. Dont think for a second that we cant do great job with CATE alone, the idea is to minimize the hand tiling work to a minimum.

What you could do is to export the places of interest, like big cities which YOU fixed or similar places and send those L2C files for me. But also with this method we need to be very careful we dont do overlapping work, ie we should bring back the tiling-progress excel sheet for me to coordinate the work (you may have seen some old screenshots of them back in the good old days). However its still not right time for the final hand tiling phase as we dont even have all the tiles worked out (there is still some 128 tiles etc) including airbases and so on (not to mention CATE conf files for them).

Anyways, here is the L2C export list that I have done so far, unfortunately they are named quite freely without the segment numbers (now that I think of it, I need to search the forum if we already used some segment numbering on the filenames), so they may or may not give any idea which and especially how large, area they are in.


These above exported segments were NOT included in v0.6 due time and my mistake of leaving them out, thats why for example Kuwait looks like shit. If you have any places of interest beyond these vague names hand-tiled, please export them and send the l2c in a rar to me.

Btw the link for the L2 you provided is not working, all I get is 613byte sized zip which is broken of course.
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