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Stories 2022-09-09 Lagoon Shore Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

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Stories 2022-09-09 Lagoon Shore Game-play

2022-09-09T13:41:00Z Started savegame on Lagoon Shore, all outside connections and natural resources, suitable area for building 56%, base theme: tropical.

Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.

Addons used: 81 tiles, camera position utility, cinematic camera extended v0.5.1, csl show more limits, enhanced outside connections view, extended game options, extra landscaping tools, first person camera, harmony v2.2, hide it, lifecycle rebalance revisited v1.6.4, optimize outside connections, precision engineering, random tree rotation, realistic population 2 v2.0.5, rebalanced industries, roundabout builder, TM:PE stable v11.6.6.3, transfermanager ce v1.8.10, transporttool v2.3.1, ultimate level of detail, unlimited oil and ore, unlimited soil. List updated: 2022-08-27T21:39:00Z

Crappy looking terrain with so much water and river branches, but luckily it has enough flat land to build a city just fine.

First used 81 tiles addon to open up all terrain grid tiles for use. TM:PE enabled disable de-spawning, advanced vehicle AI enabled, 50% dynamic lane selection, parking AI enabled more realistic parking. Transfer manager ce, goods delivery options warehouse first, reserve trucks for local transfers 20%, improved inter-warehouse transfers, import/export disabled allow import goods, services prefer local district services, death care/garbage improved all three, general disable dummy traffic, vehicle AI enable garbage and police.

Actually not sure why I configure Transfer Manager CE for those warehouse settings because I have not used warehouses in several savegames, I just had no use for them.

Turned roads, electric and water budget to 50%, we need to save money.

First save game for Lagoon_Shore_1 file name.

2022-09-09T13:49:00Z Unpaused the game, lets start this thing.

I got plenty of time today left, wonder if I could push this terrain savegame to our goal before bed time tonight, hmm, lets see Smiley :)

2022-09-09T13:57:00Z Little Hamlet population 460.

Turned on taxes to 12% for industrial, low density residential and commercial. Purchased elementary school and landfill site.

When I started this terrains savegame there was only handful left, did not count them but... could it be about 5 or so, not more than six I think. List is getting shorter and shorter by each day, nice Smiley :)

2022-09-09T14:04:00Z Worthy Village population 900.

Did not create district as I simply don't need them, for now. Placed fire station, police station and health clinic.

Saved game for Lagoon_Shore_2 file name.

2022-09-09T14:06:00Z Need to take a restroom break so had to pause game which I almost never do, because budget is so tight it might go to negative on electric and water which would lead to bad things...

2022-09-09T14:19:00Z Tiny Town population 1.4k.

Replaced placeholder dirt road arterial and collectors with proper six and four lane asphalt roads. Replaced industrial areas roads with industry road type (small for local and medium for collector). Started to use two lane asphalt roads for residential areas from now on.

Saved game for Lagoon_Shore_3 file name.

2022-09-09T14:35:00Z Boom Town population 2.4k.

Cemetery and bus depot became available in this milestone, cemetery is essential for life heh. Ore industry specialization available.

Setup bus lines from residential to industrial commercial area and banned private cars using TM:PE. Now we are set to start growing industrial area.

2022-09-09T14:48:00Z Restored budgets to 100% which is the normal. Glad that budget shuffle is over.

2022-09-09T15:12:00Z Busy Town population 4.8k.

Fire helicopter depot became available in this milestone, this is must have to any large city, when you have traffic jams and fires, helicopters are a life savers. Two lane road with trees, this is my go-to local road, starting using it now and when time comes, will upgrade existing dirt roads with this one. Oil industry specialization available.

Saved game for Lagoon_Shore_4 file name which is the last of the four rotating file names.

2022-09-09T15:46:00Z Big Town population 7k.

High density zones, metro, incineration plant, intercity bus, university and large warehouse are now available.

2022-09-09T16:00:00Z Small City population 10k.

This milestone gives us cargo train terminal, train station (passengers!) and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.

Created passenger train station and cargo train terminal.

2022-09-09T16:27:00Z Big City population 16k.

Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.

2022-09-09T16:34:00Z Grand City population 19k.

2022-09-09T16:54:00Z Capital City population 30k.

Passenger and cargo harbor is now available, passenger is a must have for incoming citizens.

2022-09-09T17:03:00Z Slight traffic jam in our industrial area. I'm not exactly sure but I think because cargo train terminal is all the way in the other end, this end closer to bottom of the screenshot is now using highway for all outside connections instead of the train. So I created second cargo train terminal for this end of the industrial area.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Traffic should start to slowly clear up now.

2022-09-09T17:38:00Z Still waiting, it was cleared up somewhat, but still massive traffic flowing through the place... hmm hmm.

2022-09-09T17:49:00Z Colossal City population 42k.

This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).

2022-09-09T17:50:00Z Looks like balance was way off with zoning, too much industrial too little low density commecial. I replaced couple of industrial road grid blocks with high density commercial and traffic disappeared in no time. Also exports were 3k and with that change they dropped to below 1k.

Always use your head when zoning stuff, keep the balance between generic industry and low density commercial. More commercial than industry.

2022-09-09T18:51:00Z Saved game and will let it run 3x time acceleration speed while I'm having a lunch break...

2022-09-09T18:55:00Z Metropolis population 60k.

2022-09-09T19:13:00Z Feeding time is over, back to building some cities.

Another expansion is ready, looking at our 60k population... this might take us to our goal, maybe...

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Umm no wait what the hell am I saying... no it wont, haha. Nevermind me, moving along... Smiley :D

Commuter train carries 400 passengers. High speed train carries 300. Passenger train (yes named like that) carries 240.

2022-09-09T19:56:00Z Megalopolis population 75k.

Last call, I mean milestone, yeah soon it will be all over.

2022-09-09T20:55:00Z Hooyah! We have 100k population, goal is met, yeehaaw! Smiley ;)

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Was really nice to finish this tonight, but now... I still have over two hours left in this day plus then if I'm not tired, dunno what to do as don't really feel like starting another savegame tonight anymore, just kind of feel exhausted about it.

2022-09-09T20:57:00Z Saved game and shutdown Cities Skylines, another terrain savegame is in the bag, uuh yeah.

Once I started to sort screenshots I realized there was only three, heh how come hehe.

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