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Stories 2022-08-21 Twin Fjords Game-play Cities Skylines - PMC Tactical

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Stories 2022-08-21 Twin Fjords Game-play

2022-08-21T11:40:00Z Started savegame on Twin Fjords, all but plane outside connections, suitable area for building 69%, base theme: boreal.

Goal is to reach population 100k today as quick as possible while still enjoying the game.

Addons used: ActionCam, BrokenNodeDetector, CameraPositions, CargoHoldFix, ChirpyExterminator, CinematicCameraExtended, CitiesHarmony, CSLShowMoreLimits, EmergencyCam, ExtendedGameOptions, FarmingCam, FirstPersonCamera_Updated, ForestryCam, HelicopterCam, LifecycleRebalanceRevisited, OilCam, OreCam, PublicTransportCam, RealPopRevisited, RoundaboutBuilder, ShowIt, TMPE, TrainCam, TransferManagerCE.

This terrain starting location looks absolutely awful, its rough heightmap and just terrible place to start a city. Did a camera fly over of the whole terrain and was shocked, this place totally sucks. Fjords is like river mountain terrain landscape and indeed there are very little space where you can build your city on.

This savegame will be extremely uncomfortable "just get it over with" type of thing, I'm going to start with 1 x 1 unit square low density residential, once getting high density milestone done then wont be replacing the 1x1's but just spam high density residential and offices as much as education system allows me to.

Sigh this terrain Smiley :(

Actually for this savegame story game-play I'll try to keep screenshots to a bare minimum, trying to avoid them in the first place.

2022-08-21T11:47:00Z Unpaused the game, lets get this crap done Smiley :(

First save game for Twin_Fjords_1 file name.

2022-08-21T11:52:00Z Little Hamlet population 440.

Taxes on, lets make some money.

This terrain heightmap is so unsuitable for Cities Skylines that I will never again play in this savegame, ugh Smiley :(

For little that it matters in this crap terrain, turned TMPE vehicle de-spawning OFF.

2022-08-21T11:58:00Z Worthy Village population 850.

Save game for Twin_Fjords_2 file name.

2022-08-21T12:06:00Z Tiny Town population 1.3k.

Save game for Twin_Fjords_3 file name.

2022-08-21T12:19:00Z Boom Town population 2.4k.

Cemetery and bus depot became available in this milestone, cemetery is essential for life heh.

2022-08-21T12:46:00Z Busy Town population 4.4k.

Save game for Twin_Fjords_4 file name which is the last of the four rotating file names.

2022-08-21T13:31:00Z Big Town population 6.5k.

High density zones, metro, incineration plant and university are now available.

2022-08-21T13:46:00Z Small City population 9k.

This milestone gives us cargo train station and two good policies. Activated small business enthusiast and big business benefactor policies.

2022-08-21T13:58:00Z Big City population 14k.

Crematorium, large water tower and advanced inland water treatment plant are now available.

2022-08-21T14:11:00Z Grand City population 17k.

Was expanding industrial district and saw oil natural resource, so decided to do a tiny oil district.

2022-08-21T15:16:00Z Capital City population 28k.

Cargo harbor is now available.

2022-08-21T15:41:00Z Colossal City population 38k.

This milestone gives nuclear power plant and cargo hub (ship + train terminal).

Okay situation update, traffic gridlock mostly because huge commercial district which gets deliveries, my industrial is hmm medium to large-ish, also a lot of people are now moving into the city with private cars which cause more traffic. Education is not good enough for to get office workers yet.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

This office worker issue now holds up the progress mostly.

2022-08-21T16:05:00Z Now looks like few office buildings has no missing workers issues anymore, looking good, maybe first batch of highly educated students graduated.

2022-08-21T16:13:00Z Saved game and went off to cook food while game runs in 3x speed, I expect problems when I come back Smiley :p

2022-08-21T16:54:00Z Feeding time is over, back to the city.

Oh my the city is in a shambles! Smiley :o

Traffic has caused most of the services fail, notably crematoriums, police, fire and garbage collection.

2022-08-21T18:03:00Z Metropolis population 55k.

2022-08-21T18:43:00Z Megalopolis population 70k.

Last milestone done, purchased all the terrain tiles for that freedom.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

This is what I mean by useless Cities Skylines terrain heightmap, good luck building a city here.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

As for my traffic jam problem, the culprits are these two. Huge commercial area which felt like a great idea in the beginning and well I don't think that industrial area is not even that big yet, but guess it generates enough traffic anyways.

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

One of these days I'll track down how many trucks does what amount of industrial buildings generate, would be nice to have a guideline like at how many 4x4 unit square buildings are too much for one collector road for example.

I don't think its going to be a problem to have a many industry areas, if they are separated with proper outside connections.

2022-08-21T19:48:00Z This is the worst terrain I've ever played in Cities Skylines.

2022-08-21T19:49:00Z Uaah finally done, 100k population reached!

PMC Cities Skylines Screenshot

Now quickly save and NEVER return to this shit terrain, ever Smiley :(

2022-08-21T19:50:00Z Saved game and shutdown Cities Skylines, we are SO done.

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