2022-03-29T10:19:00Z Started pboProject binarization, lets hope this will be the release version compile
2022-03-29T11:02:00Z Binarization finished, I decided to start release procedures now. Obviously have to cancel those if there is something wrong at this compile at last minute.
Added chiayi to PMC "worldSize" mission pack terrains list and compiled new pack.
2022-03-29T11:15:00Z In-game check complete and everything looks good for a release. Took few screenshots too for web pages. And now its my lunch break.
2022-03-29T12:02:00Z Release package and torrent was ready to go. Now started to add content to web pages. This will take a while with all this dev diary links etc.
2022-03-29T13:33:00Z Finished adding links and screenshots to this dev diary page, also proof read it along the way.
2022-03-29T13:50:00Z PMC Taiwan Chiayi v0.1 has been released!
Read previous page 6 or back to Dev Diary PMC Taiwan Chiayi root page.
PMC Taiwan Chiayi: Changelog, Dev Diary, Screenshots. Back to PMC Terrain's page.