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Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-25 13:56:55
by Phoenix711
Just realised that my THREAT CIRCLES - Radar was not working.

The RADAR flag is not enough by itself, I checked Korean TE_NEW, and set my airbase flags like it then it worked on the tactical map.

I found out that it is the FLAT flag, which is important together with RADAR flag, and 8 RADAR OCTET VALUES.

Any more info on this? Any way to automate this, or othr attrributes of objects, like Fuel etc, maybe an Export - Edit csv - Import?

BTW, TACEdit cannot create 8 octets correctly and sets all to 0,22. Is it a problem with my MEA file (Which I don't think so because I've checked it segment by segment), korean values seem normal and TACEdit sets them to 0,22 even if I use KOREAN MEA file.

Any idea / info?

Thank you...

Re: Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-25 14:07:24
by ccc
hmm.. ask Fred.

IIRC Fred has a tool to calculate radar coverage area..

Re: Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-25 15:02:58
by Sherlock
Don't forget that mobile SAMs do not show up in threats unless they have been detected either visually (other aircraft/helo or ground unit) or via JSTARS/Recon means.

Re: Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-25 20:14:33
by Phoenix711
Is that the RadarScanner tool which comes with TheaterMaker? Or Something else. I'm going to try RadarScanner now.

Re: Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-26 01:36:46
by ccc
i think the tool or function is inlcuded in Fred's tool've to check it yourself.

Re: Radar Scan Areas Problem

Posted: 2009-03-26 08:37:11
by Phoenix711
Ok its RadarScanner.exe. It's inside TheaterMaker package. But is a seperate exe, which is not in the main theatermaker exe menu.

Seem like it calculates the 8 octet values correctly.

Thank you.